Not got out much on the bike due to domestic issues.

However, went out to Holmfirth on Sat for a bit of a picnic with the family. Pulled in to a car park and two minutes later two old boys (brothers) thumped in on a large Matchless single (500cc?) - sounded proper.

Got chatting and the fella said he'd ground in the valves and was testing it out. Was very impressed with a recent ride of his, got up at 5am, rode over to Cumbria, back across the Yorks Dales and back to Holmfirth.

Got back at 10pm after covering 390m.

I asked how his back stood up to that sort of riding as my back and bum start to fade after 200m.

He replied, "Aye lad, I reckon me back's med o' wud."