Author Topic: What have you done with your bike/s today?  (Read 191303 times)

Offline morris

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #975 on: 23.03. 2020 21:56 »
hi morris I am thinking of replacing the boiler oil filter on mine that has a fine nylon gauze inside it for the screw on type you have fitted to yours. the question is if you are feeding the rockers after the filter does it restrict the flow to the rockers cheers?
Rocker feed is after the filter. The flow doesn’t seem to be influenced. I do fill up the filter with oil before screwing it on to have immediate oil flow to the rockers.
I have connected the rocker feed pipe with a piece of clear plastic tube. The first 30 seconds or so there’s a lot of bubbles going up but after that the flow becomes steady
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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #976 on: 23.03. 2020 22:56 »
morris cheers for that, I have a clear tube on my present system where I teed it off to the rockers and back to the oil tank but the nylon filter in it is probably nowhere near as fine as the new car type filter. I am keeping the clear tube when I fit the new paper filter, nice to know the paper filters don't restrict the rocker feed before I go ahead and fit it *beer*

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #977 on: 26.03. 2020 10:20 »
Mounted Craven Comet panniers, found a couple nearly unused panniers, bought carrier and fittings from Dragonfly/Craven - and went on the first BSA trip this year. Only a short one as it is still COLD, freezing at night, nice to get started...

BSA A10GF 1962

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #978 on: 26.03. 2020 10:38 »
Lovely sunshine over the last couple of days.  In addition to pumping up the tyres, points and plug gap check, cleaning the maggie pick ups and slip ring, checking the HT leads, and giving it a damn good polish up, I will probably check the tappet gap (10 for inlet and 16 for exhaust = max power but noisy), get a couple of jerry cans full of BP Ultimate + octane booster and lead replacement, then wait for the current furore to die (no pun intended! *eek*) down and go for one hell of a blast! >:D
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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #979 on: 26.03. 2020 20:59 »
Checked tappets, spot on at .010 inlet and .016 exhaust. 

This is the best bit though.  Thought I'd drain tank and check tap gauzes were clean.  Found out that the reason why I'd run out of petrol once and almost again was that I was using the reserve tap as the main tap.  I did find it really odd that I only got 5 miles on reserve.  Anyway, cleaned tank out (wasn't too bad) and put the taps on so the right hand one is now reserve (R for Reserve) and the left is finally the main tap.  I did wonder if I'd mixed them up, but this confirmed it (you live, learn, and make really silly mistakes!!)

Ready for the road now.  Was thinking that a 150 mile run on a 60 year old motorcycle would pass as a 'once a day' period of exercise.  I won't, after all, be coming into contact with anyone as I only, generally stop for fuel at the self-service and keep my gloves on. *eek* *eek* *eek*
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Online berger

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #980 on: 26.03. 2020 23:16 »
you might get a surprise on your run, the police are out with drones and stopping people, possible fine unless you can fib your way out and have a damn good excuse for being where you are when they stop you. just like the price of a bike or spares that your wife is now unhappy about. you better make it good ::hh::

Online Billybream

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #981 on: 27.03. 2020 04:33 »
Bought my bike out of winter hibernation and was ready for our first 2020 ride, and was stopped in my tracks when the son in law who was itching to ride his new Tenere told me he was not going out.
He said what if we had an accident, our overstretched NHS might well have to get involved, point taken, so my bikes back under its cover.
1960 Super Rocket, owned since 1966, back on the road 2012 after being laid up for 29yrs.

Offline Worty

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #982 on: 27.03. 2020 10:55 »
Billybream's point is very fair. *yeah*  My wife works for the NHS and is saying that the hospitals are filling up quite rapidly now.  No-one likes to think they will have an accident, but when you think of Police, ambulance and NHS time if you did, then it is a sobering thought.  Added to this is the risk of breakdown, and bringing recovery resources into the picture. :!

Not so concerned about the Rozzers and fines, but am persuaded by the ambulance/NHS argument.  Will continue to prep the bike ready for the day we are all released. *sad*

Take care folks. *smile*
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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #983 on: 27.03. 2020 12:41 »
Taking the opportunity to progress with the project. Fitting rear numberplate today, plus a second check on oil pump clearance.
In response to Berger and others, this whole virus thing is becoming a farce, though to be fair, government is in a difficult place no matter what they do. That said, allowing people out to ‘exercise’ whilst having a stay at home policy is plain barmy. So you can wander around town all day (if stopped, you’re only half way through your exercise or just going to the shop) but can’t take your car or bike for a drive / ride - when both ensure isolation. There’s many places we need to go anyway, such as the bank or to attend to livestock (eg those with horses).
This is a serious situation but contradictory advice and barmy instructions don't help.  I’m looking after myself by keeping away from people wherever possible. Currently getting food from the shop is my greatest concern - a person’s breath is over 10% water vapour and viruses will be in that from infected persons, so just breathing in air from premises that have had multiple people in it is risky.
Not enough was done for prevention and now we’re paying the price. Crazy that people were allowed to fly into the UK from infected countries and then disappear into the population using public transport. That was still going on up to a few days ago – maybe still is for all I know. Very worrying times.
'49 B31, '49 M21, '53 DOT, '58 Flash, '62 Flash special, '00 Firestorm, Weslake sprint bike.

Offline Butch (cb)

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #984 on: 27.03. 2020 12:45 »
Taking the opportunity to progress with the project. Fitting rear numberplate today, plus a second check on oil pump clearance.
In response to Berger and others, this whole virus thing is becoming a farce, though to be fair, government is in a difficult place no matter what they do. That said, allowing people out to ‘exercise’ whilst having a stay at home policy is plain barmy. So you can wander around town all day (if stopped, you’re only half way through your exercise or just going to the shop) but can’t take your car or bike for a drive / ride - when both ensure isolation. There’s many places we need to go anyway, such as the bank or to attend to livestock (eg those with horses).
This is a serious situation but contradictory advice and barmy instructions don't help.  I’m looking after myself by keeping away from people wherever possible. Currently getting food from the shop is my greatest concern - a person’s breath is over 10% water vapour and viruses will be in that from infected persons, so just breathing in air from premises that have had multiple people in it is risky.
Not enough was done for prevention and now we’re paying the price. Crazy that people were allowed to fly into the UK from infected countries and then disappear into the population using public transport. That was still going on up to a few days ago – maybe still is for all I know. Very worrying times.

I think this maybe needs moving into the COVID thread.
Warning - observations made by this member have a 93% unreliability rating.

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #985 on: 27.03. 2020 15:49 »
Getting back on track.
Fitted a solo seat while I refurbish the original dual seat


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Offline Swarfcut

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #986 on: 27.03. 2020 16:12 »
 Cyclo....Just tried to access the new  covid board, but for some reason the "Site not found" denied further progress.

 This may be of interest, if you folks can skim through to the real business.

 Its a sneaky and tenacious little bugger, with a relatively short incubation period in some cases. It's also a bit quick from onset of the specific symptoms to hospitalisation in susceptible individuals.

 The published research above gives an insight into the reason for the specified periods of isolation, but as with any research, that was then and later events will yield more data and consequently change recommended behaviour.

     Remember, staying in relative isolation and avoiding contact with "outsiders" keeps you safer. It also prevents you spreading your viral particles (if you are unlucky to have picked it up) into other groups outside your own immediate group, during your incubation period, when you have no symptoms but are in the phase where the virus is multiplying and you are capable of passing the infection on.

 Living in an area with few reported cases is a relatively safe space but driving miles for a quiet walk is plain don't know who you're going to meet, and in the worst case scenario you will pick up a dose, maybe from miles away and then bring that back home. That changes the dynamic, as the infection is now introduced into a previously safer zone.  Then, with no symptoms, in your own incubation period you are merrily spreading it amongst your own group. Then those infected folks make their own way into the wider environment, highly contagious but with no symptoms in their own incubation period.

 So while the inconvenience and disruption is a pain, the Government rulings to stay home wherever possible make sense, providing everyone plays their part. Needless to say 100% isolation ain't gonna happen, but the published rules are understood  and obeyed by the majority. There will always be  chancers.   The measures will not stop the spread, but without them the rate of spread would be far, far, higher. In that scenario  healthcare resources can not possibly cope with demand.

 That published research makes grim reading.


Apologies for posting here, but others may also not be able to access the new board at this time.



Offline RichardL

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #987 on: 27.03. 2020 17:10 »

First, that was a sensible description of circumstances.

Regarding the "World Situations" board, you can find the link in the home menu as shown in the attached image. Worked for me a minute ago.

Richard L.

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #988 on: 27.03. 2020 17:37 »
Thanks Richard.  I'll have another go.
   Here in the UK, the weather has suddenly improved, and brought lots of folks out last weekend. Many drove out to popular National Parks, and for the Corona it must have been like Christmas. Those folks all must have had the same idea  "Nah, there won't be anyone there, they've been told to stay in"
 The spike increase in recorded infections will start to kick in around about now by my reckoning.

 I did wonder how much the fall in economic activity and reduction of vehicle traffic has done to improve our local weather pattern. The air just seems that little bit clearer, just like when I was a kid.



Offline morris

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Re: What have you done with your bike/s today?
« Reply #989 on: 27.03. 2020 19:33 »
Cyclo....Just tried to access the new  covid board, but for some reason the "Site not found" denied further progress.

Go to your profile, select "Group membership" select "Join group" and there you go.
You may need to enter your password
'58 BSA A 10 SA
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