I would think that all of us of a certain age use petrol of whatever type for cleaning parts, hands or whatever. And many years ago Cleveland used the "petrol" called Discol which if memory serves was neat benzene, stand corrected if wrong on that one.
i was under the impression that the unleaded kink started in California where the idiots said "lead, must be bad" not knowing the difference from that and proper Lead, which is great for making cast bullets from until the same idiots started to ban that as well.
But its nice to get a conversation going.
As for Berger, my father as a young bricklayer in the 1930's used to work on the town gas retorts when they were shut down and needed repairing, very hot and dirty work as the shutdown had to be for the minimum time possible. But compared to normal work the pay was better. Coke and creosote were the by-products along with god knows what nasty chemicals. Asbestos was healthy at that time as well.
No it was an EU idea so they could use the crap crude to make cheap fuel and not refine all of the tars & waxes out of it.
These tars, waxes & heavy oil fractions can not be burned inside an engine so you needed to put an after burner on the exhaust to stop passers by being choked.
Lead deposits on the after burner rendering it useless so lead had to come out of "Fuel" ( which is not petrol ).
Then to sell the idea to Joe Public they called the after burners , catalytic converters thus circumventing the questions
"Why are you selling me fuel that my engine can not burn & why am I paying for fuel that gets burned in the muffler and not the engine ? "
Around the same time a reo rod that could be welded was invented so reinforced concrete took over from cast iron which had to be painted with lead based paints to prevent corrosion.
So now authorities had some thing to blame for all the lead oxide that was laying around in soils and being injested... leaded petrol.
Tetral Ethyl lead is very toxic if breathed in or swallowed but once it has been inside your engine and subjected to the high pressures of combustion and the heat as well. it changes state and become benine because a human body can not break it down so it can not get adsorbed.
The whole thing was a lie from start to finish, but it made good copy for newspapers and gave gum flappers lots of radio & TV time.
Oxides of lead are dangerous to all living things, including people. This had been know for a very long time but it was the best thing we had to protect metals from UV degredation so we used it every where.
All the flaking , crumbling lead paint on bridges, lamp posts and other roadside infrastructure is where the lead in roadside soils came from.
If it did come out of exhaust pipes then it would be airborn and end up in your back yard, not the front one.
Lead oxides were also added to concretes which again crumble.
Then we went crazy and added it to house paint.
Remember "One coat and white even covers black" why? because you can not see through lead oxide and house paints wee near 50% lead oxide by weight and 30% by volume.