Dutch, absolutely not, would have been far to sensible to use your method ! all I was thinking was ...escape... on the bike of course
but am determined to get her oil tight so will be more careful in future .
Yes Musky , leaky driveside bearing seal , over the winter it was so wet and generally depressing that I hardly ventured in the garage ,eventually I drained the sump and left it open but forgot completely about what would have go into the primary ,which remained strangely oil tight, until that is I started her up ,then after 5 mins of her running it looked like I'd struck oil ,it ***** out so well . It was still dripping slightly when I got to the pub 45 mins later ,marking her ground as only a bsa can do *whistle*however for all that the bike went well and the BSA smile was well stuck on my gob , cheers for now !!