Hi Richard,
I agree with you about the fuel quality it is very variable, I add a dollop of "valvemaster plus"
mixed with some acetone and two stroke oil, I mix it in a 100ml bottle that chainsaw 2 stroke comes in, and add half of it to a tankful.
The beauty of manual control mags is that I can give the lever a little tweak if the motor tends to pink!
My SR engine has the 357 cam, 8.5 to 1 pistons, and the head is fittted with high flow valves and a 30mm inlet
tract to which is fitted a Mikuni VM carb,
I use NGK BP7ES plugs
You went into all the detail I left out about finding true TDC, the dial gauge makes it simpler in my view
I use the buzzer/LED gadget to check the points opening
Just screw in my bolt gadget and bring the piston up to touch it, rock the mag armature on its gear backlash and the LED blinks on and off
I have found that most ATD units are now well worn and so give more advance than they were designed for!
with the wear in them it is very hard to set the timing accurately even when wedged open,
I set up a degree disc on a friends Norton twin that has an ATD and used a strobe to check the timing
it was all over the place, same story on a Guzzi T3 and an A65 !
I have yet to try electronic ignition in an A10, In my opinion the dynamo is the weakest link????
I have fitted electronic ignitions to several alternator powered bikes, the only troubles occuring when batteries were down
JOhn O R