Apart from a10gf's pic, why are the other pics all in black & white ?
They're not look at the first one of mine , see the red gutters on the Hall behind the car, otherwise it's snow (white or yellow
) and no greenery cause it's winter.
Get's to the point where it's not so funny, this is the road into the nearest village which we need to pass through, I need a prescription picked up in five days time so hoping for a change in the weather or a snow plough ( for fellow rural dwellers it's a big yellow thing you might have seen on the news).
The farm now under new ownership has a plough on a tractor ( I used to drive it in winter) but I no longer work so can't just get kitted up and go and take it out to clear roads as I used to.
Don't know how many ploughs the Council has now after all the cuts, what they have are probably following each other up the A1 so just have to sit it out I guess
God I'm getting to be a grumpy old whinge, Dogs back in though