G'day All,
Just following on from that, I have the original old 376 on my bike that I re-kitted, part of which
was a new float. I purchased a new old stock amal float (looks like alloy), a wedge type shape.
So put it all together & flicked the petrol lever...fuel p___sed out of the tickler, so either the
needle is too short or wrong float. I noticed that the float does fowl on the screw tunnel in
the float chamber. So anyway, pulled out the old float, which is more drum shaped, & someone
has put a dent in the top, so it doesn't fowl on the screw tunnel, I gave it a dunk in a glass of
water ( no bubbles ) so put it in & no worries, but yet to have a road test, still waiting on
pipes, I think they shipped them on a row-boat,