Author Topic: Wish list for manuals, Overhaul, service bulletins, and parts catalogs.  (Read 3171 times)

Offline Sluggo

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Was talking to admin about adding tech materials to the BSA Collective, and he says server space is available.

So, I have tons of material most of it still in printed form but I used to print and reproduce a lot of material for BSA-Norton-Triumph, and a little for AJS-Matchless and other related brands as well as typical materials related to Smiths, Lucas, Girling etc.

(I also provided some materials some years back to the BSAOC UK library)   However, I got out of that business as I no longer operate a store front or shop open to the general public, Nor do I want to do the full retail experience and travel the US setting up shop at Bike events like I used to.   Several people killed the business circa early 2000s as well and started printing and selling some of this material cheaper than I could do so using commercial printing, and then the onslaught of CD compilations started. 

One fellow I have a low opinion of, purchased some of my material and started offering it on his own CDs and had the temerity to claim dubious copyright despite my requests to not do so.   

** So, legalese  lets get something straight. SOME material out there has long ago entered public fair use domain and NOBODY has copywrite.  Its free to use, free to share and no one can claim otherwise.  Now some vintage material CAN be covered by copy write as intellectual property and in some cases the owners of these assets CAN claim ownership, but in the case of most vintage Norton-BSA-Triumph stuff, the general policy has been hands off. 

I wont mention names here, but a few characters have also laid claim to rights they dont have, but they have sent nasty & threatening letters.  I have stacks of legal documents where this has played out but I digress,,My point is, it happens a little bit, but not to any extent to worry about. (Applicable to BSA A7 & A10)
I do agree though and support that material that is unique, special and some ones creation such as DIY or technical materials SHOULD be respected and proper permission sought and accreditation to their work.

IE: DynoDave Comeau and other technical writers.

So, over the next year or so, I am looking at uploading some materials that would be pertinent to BSA owners such as period adverts, product reviews, catalogs, brochures, manuals, service bulletins and period accy stuff like Nicholson Brothers, Or Eddy Dow.

I am also looking myself for a few documents for my projects.  So, starting with the basics would like to post up parts books for twins, and manuals, then the service bulletins relevant.  (Some of my master copies of the bulletins are over 1500 pages, and not all relevant here)

So, would like to hear from members who use the site what materials you would find most useful that is NOT already posted here.

IE: Wish list.  (lets keep this on topic and JUST what materials you have to share or want to see posted.)
Thanks!!! *smile* *smile*
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meant to add,,, The idea is to create a general depository resource for BSA owners but also related products.

For example, I have a large full fairing for a Featherbed Norton (But I am sure it could be used on a BSA) and I found this reprint of a period catalog useful, from these nice folks at the AJS/Matchless club

For your own review, You should look at the technical section overall they have kindly posted, However some of their material is proprietary to their club, and before using, or sharing please keep in mind proper respect.
A LOT of their material is shared from Dave Campbell who I know, and have a close friend who was his neighbor for many years and they are very close friends so I am certain I can get permission to use his material but before sharing, make sure you behave properly and ALWAYS give accreditation.

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Offline Greybeard

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Good idea.
Greybeard (Neil)
2023 Gold Star

Warwickshire UK

A Distinguished Gentleman Riding his 1955 Plunger Golden Flash

Offline duTch

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  A fair idea if it's easy to find.
 I myself bought a CD (DVD Really) from the guy I think you're referring to, but at the time I had no other source of information, and hadn't found or joined this forum, so him being local-ish was a reasonable option, but point now noted.
Started building in about 1977/8 a on average '52 A10 -built from bits 'n pieces never resto intended -maybe 'personalised'
Have a '74 850T Moto Guzzi since '92-best thing I ever bought doesn't need a kickstart 'cos it bump starts sooooooooo(mostly) easy

Online Angus

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Great idea. There is a lot already online but fragmented. My big bug bear with much of the currently available stuff is its not searchable. So if you want information of forks you have to page through a document scanning for what you want. rather then entering a search for any reference to the works fork. I have some manuals etc (nothing special) that I was going to scan in as searchable PDF's for my own use to solve the problem for myself. Is your digital information searchable Sluggo ?
1961 A7 since 1976, 1960 A10 Gold Flash Super Profile Bike
1958 Matchless G80 Project, 1952 Norton Model 7 Plunger
1950 Triumph T100, 1981 Ducati Pantah 500, 1959 AJS model 20

Online bsa-bill

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Nice one Sluggo
All the best - Bill
1961 Flash - stock, reliable, steady, fantastic for shopping
1959 Rocket Gold Flash - blinged and tarted up  would have seizure if taken to  Tesco

Offline RogerSB

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I've always found it difficult to cross reference the illustration of a particular part and its part number with the way BSA produced their parts manuals. You have to first identify the part in the illustration, take a note of the BSA part number (or list of numbers in some cases), then search for the number(s), which are all mixed up and don't seem to follow any logic - apart from being ad-hoc, on a separate page to find and check you have the found the correct part number applicable to your model.

This led me to make up my own parts book for my own use and relevant only to the models and years that are of interest to me (so leaving out the likes of the Spitfire and export models). It's basically how the Haynes manual did it but they didn't go so far as to give the BSA part numbers (see pics).

I find it so much easier to identify a part in the illustration, note the reference number beside it and to be able to cross reference it on the same page where I can see immediately the name of the part, the models it's applicable to, the number required and the BSA part number.  I don't print it but make an Acrobat file of it and access it that way on my PC.

1960 Golden Flash

Offline Sluggo

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Offline RogerSB

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Sluggo, Great! I could do with a couple of those *smile* .

1960 Golden Flash

Offline Sluggo

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  A fair idea if it's easy to find.
 I myself bought a CD (DVD Really) from the guy I think you're referring to, but at the time I had no other source of information, and hadn't found or joined this forum, so him being local-ish was a reasonable option, but point now noted.
Yes, I am fairly certain we are talking the same guy (kim).  I have no problems with him producing his CDs and they are useful, at one point a friend gifted me a full set of them and they are convenient to burn a disc  or email tech someone needs off of them.  Much of the material despite his claims are NOT copyright, But he methodically stamped copyright on all the pages.  But many years ago I used to print and supply manuals at events because most people dont have access to them, plus when selling parts it makes it better for everyone if the customer HAS the correct part numbers and a clue about what they were doing.
But I was selling them online as well, was good for a while, but other sellers were selling the printed copies for less than I could produce them for.  (I suspect some were stealing materials from employers, as some were selling a 98 page parts book for $6.00 USD and thats less than cost)

I sold a large stack of material to a buyer in Australia but some of it was unique, and some of it I had modified and some of the pages inserted into those books were my or my wifes creation to make the books more useful.  So the wanker printed that off as well and stamped "copyright of........."  *pull hair out*

So, screw him.  Based on that, I will happily share any of that stuff for free to anyone who wants it.

As to manuals and literature on here,, I have materials on digital format, But much of it is not related to BSA (Harley, Yamaha, Buell, Ducati) so not relevant for this forum.    If there is interest I will post up what I DO have that is BSA that I have digital copies of.

But I have 3 filing cabinets top to bottom stuffed with all kinds of other British bike stuff, SOME is BSA.   But its in page or paper format, Some of which is indexed and ready for a commercial printer to make copies of, some of which still needs work.  If there is interest, I can get the relevant BSA stuff scanned and turned into digital media.

As to digital media,,, or CD versions.   I dont have a computer in my shop, nor interested in doing so.  I like a paper copy while working in the shop and many are inserted into plastic page protectors in 3 ring binders so can be laid out on the workbench.   Years back, it would have taken extraordinary amounts of time to scan each page and while you can load a LOT of pages on a CD without a doubt, I was not interested in doing that.  NOW you can feed the material into a copier/scanner and do thousands of pages in a few hours.
I am looking into doing that myself for several books I am working on as well as perhaps specific tech materials as well.

But while a searchable PDF would be useful in many ways, I am not sure I want to invest that much time into creating such materials without a significant return.  (Monetary or otherwise)  I have way more projects than I have time for.  Perhaps someone else wants to help or take some of this on.  I would be happy to work with someone who is motivated to do so.  The range of BSA material for A7 and A10 is not that long of a period of time so keeping it relevant to this group might be more manageable.

*** An interesting footnote to CD compilations, Joe Seifert, who owns Andover Norton (A great guy and reputable vendor) made a comment on this topic a year or 2 ago.  He stopped carrying the Thieving wankers CDs not because I said so, But he said the interest in them had tapered off to the point he did not feel it was worth carrying those products.  He said (Interestingly) that customers wanted printed copies for their bikes and specific models, something they could have open on a workbench while wrenching on their bike.
So, he has them printed and features the printed books on his website. So I found this remarkable that not every one out there thinks the world revolves around their dumbfone or Crackberry and people appreciate a printed book so, there IS hope for humanity IMHO ***

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like everyone else i've gathered together various manuals/part lists/ bits found on the interweb. the anxiety i have it one day whatever online sites will fold and it will all disappear. my semi plan for 2018 is to set up a site online that i can use to search my own piles of bsa docs more easily than the random bits i have saved locally. the issue of server space can be circumvented of serving docs hosted on public sites (like google docs) via some code (curl). if i do i'll make it clear how to add other bsa stuff for other forum users. i think we may be near a tipping point where much of the accumulated wisdom of bsa owners can be shared online or risk being assigned to the recycler if/when we lose control of our faculties. that's one reason this forum is so great. i also prefer paper in the workshop tho having a record at all is way better than none.

as noted above the bit ticket is making it searchable. draganfly's site is the only one i know of where parts lists are searchable - they must have put hours into that and deserve credit and business accordingly (pity many of their parts are rubbish). Sluggo if you are getting stuff scanned then if you can get it OCR-ed than that puts it into a new league of usability. or at least high quality scans than can later be OCR-ed. many filing cabinets sounds like serious work or $. i would offer do do some for you but distance and you getting the stuff back are obvious concerns. re copyright, there are also creative commons licenses where material can be made free for use and distribution but not for other's to commercially control. stop some bas**tard copyrighting your work and generosity. that would be quite some legacy.
New Zealand
'61 Super Rocket  - '47 B33 -  '21 Triumph Speed Triple RS

Offline Sluggo

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I am trying to learn how to do some of this digital tech stuff,, but I believe much of it I need help to do.

One of my sooner, rather than later projects is master how to insert a ghost image or watermark into images.

I enjoy taking photos and tech related and have seen my photos all over the internet, Cycle world used some of my material for a feature article once and basically told me to F**k off, It was not worth the hassles but I would have settled for a  beer and a honest *THANKS*.
The persons involved made fun of me at the time,, "You and that Bloody camera always taking pictures!" But I did a long term photo series on a vintage club forum, One of our members Carl B reposted them on Cycleworlds forums and next thing you know there was a feature article.

I have been researching publishing and writing for several books I have started. (outlines and concepts) and there is interest from publishers, but I think based on feedback I want to do self publishing.  I have talked to several others who have gone down this path, and its evolving all the time.  Some really cool books went out of print such as David Gaylins guide to Triumph restoration.  Copies were fetching up to $400 on Amazon.  A couple years back he came out with a new version and sells most of it direct.   Many others have had similar issues or disputes over publishing.

I have a huge amount of material for these books, and that is my main focus,  BSA tech materials is just a side interest, But if someone has brilliant ideas or free time, I am open to help.
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Online Angus

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As Mikeb say if you are going to spend the time scanning stuff, then please if possible select an OCR scan to PDF, this makes it searchable with no extra effort. My work office has a scanner that does this, but no sheet feeder and the documents I have are bound anyway, but I had planned to scan them and then will have the best of all world printable, accessible from most device including tablets and phones and searchable when you can not find that item you are looking for. I will make a list of what I have (not much and very A7 & A10 specific) and if you think it worth including when its scanned I will consult on getting it loaded. I have some rights to re-produce stuff from the BSA A7 and A10 Twins Super Profile book as I contacted Haynes when I purchased the A10 as it appears on the cover. Not a great book in my opinion, but a great bike again in my opinion.
1961 A7 since 1976, 1960 A10 Gold Flash Super Profile Bike
1958 Matchless G80 Project, 1952 Norton Model 7 Plunger
1950 Triumph T100, 1981 Ducati Pantah 500, 1959 AJS model 20

Offline Sluggo

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Well, I was hoping to see a list of WHAT material you guys most want to see on here.

I think its a no brainer we get up first is a complete collection of BSA preunit twins parts books for each year and model, and then workshop manuals and service data for each model.
After that, perhaps a listing of what service sheets you want to see (there are hundreds and hundreds of these)

After that, we can evaluate what else, Brochures? Publicity photos?   I would strongly encourage you lot to go back and look at that Matchless club website. They put up a LOT of useful material...  Complete Lucas books for  awide range of years, Smiths instrument data, and more!


The electrical section alone is a treasure trove.. Here is an index (Some of the PDFs are even searchable!)

 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      9809671 1931_Lucas__AJS_9_h_p_Car.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       544865 1937-1939_wiring_diagram.jpg
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        <dir> Lucas
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       443628 Lucas wiring, magdyno DU142D DU42D_2.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       328989 Lucas_1928_Magdyno_and_MT110.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM    101734095 Lucas___Full_Motorcycle_Accessory_Catalogue_1936-1957.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       308563 Lucas_Battery_PUW7E__Standard_for_6V_bikes.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       512242 Lucas_Bulletin__Zener_diode_regulator.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM     25188626 Lucas_full_motorcycle_accessory_catalogue_1958_1962.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM     11368025 Lucas_Girling_full_motorcycle_accessory_catalogue_1960_1968.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      1019906 Lucas_Magdyno_equipment__Maintenance_instructions.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        <dir> Other
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       345905 Podtronics_Fitting_instructions.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        <dir> Spark_plugs
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        <dir> Technical_tips
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        <dir> Wipac

Amal section is very useful.

 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        96768 Amal_Carbs_389-1_to_689-242.xls
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        32256 Amal_Carbs_AJS_1933-1965.xls
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        31744 Amal_Carbs_Matchless_1933-1965.xls
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Amal_Carbs_Parts_Lists
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        48793 Amal_Monobloc__numbers_type_and_use.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM      2092297 AMAL_Publication_Index__509-2_1956.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM      1038798 Amal_Publications_Index__B372-1_1951.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Amal_Sundries_Parts_Lists
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> AMC_Carb_Settings
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Instructions, hints, tips - all carbs
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Non-Amal
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Non-AMC Amal
 9/13/2017  4:35 PM        <dir> Various_AMAL
Smiths stuff anyone??

 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      4941175 Cowey_Speedo_catalogue_1927.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       879237 Post_war_speedo_cable_lengths.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      2692825 Repair_Smiths_and_Jaeger_Speedos.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       627892 Smith_Flexible_drives_1954-1966.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        92081 Smiths_Chronometric_Speedo.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      7702655 Smiths_Instruments_1920.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      1924225 Smiths_Motor_Cycle_Equipment_1954-1958.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      7262121 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1959.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      4357445 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1960.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      5618706 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1961.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      6812103 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1962.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      4849516 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1963.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      3874912 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1964.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      5877748 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1965.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      4043393 Smiths_Motorcycle_Equipment_1966.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        92081 Smiths_Speedo_restoration.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       462949 Speedo_exploded_Views.pdf
Scan of a Classic bike article on the Pearson Suzuki Clutch conversions for BSA,, I have this one bookmarked to photocopy and saves me the trouble as someones posted it up.


Not BSA,, but I found it interesting, again a Classic Bike Magazine scan,


Dont you guys find this interesting and useful????


(Stock up on parts for your "invalid carriage ")


clearly some useful data here?

 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       255605 AMC_Twin_Engines_with_72_mm_bore__Don_Madden_AJSMOC_479.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       123431 Barrel_liners__(Brian_Lawrence_Jampot).pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       509488 Don_Maddens_guide_to_G11_G12_pistons.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       167976 Heplex_Pistons_Fitting_Instructions.tiff
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM     12433591 Hepolite_Pistons_1914-1939.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       101186 Matchless_Hepolite_Piston_codes_193x-1962.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       404303 Piston_table_breakdown_1940_-_1960_all_models.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       393944 Single_cylinder_balancing__Extract_Tuning_for_Speed.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      2097298 Standard_Better_Valves_catalogue_1939.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM        96265 Terry_Fork_Springs_1928.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      9620072 Terry_Springs_1937-1959.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       404006 Terry_Valve_Springs_1931-1960.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      2672637 Terrys_valve_springs_1938.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM       890733 Valves_AJS_Matchless_1920ies-1939.jpg
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM      4312632 W.D.James_Valve_Springs_Circa_1930_1960.pdf
 9/13/2017  4:36 PM     35635148 Wellworthy_1919-36_piston_rings.pdf
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Offline Sluggo

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These never get old............
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