Good morning and thanks, everyone.
I have a Viton float needle and stay-up float. I have previously read (maybe, just "perused") the Amal article Julian referenced. (Thanks for the reminder, Julian). Also, done the same with this one, , but it is a lot to absorb. In the middle of this article the author says that he prefers to adjust the needle seat rather than bending the fork of the stay-up float. Considering how far off my level is, maybe I need a combination of both. Obviously, I'll know better when I open it up.
In that same article there is no mention of the measurement point based on the angle of the carb, that is, centerline at the joint?, center of the idle-screen extension?, etc. It does say to be 0.17"-0.24 below the joint, so I am thinking centerline of the joint might be the right compromise, but I live in mortal fear of going against advice from Muskrat. (What say ye, M?)
Once the float level is corrected, there is still the issue of whether, or not, the main needle should be raised a notch. Seems like it may not have been an issue, based on the float level problem.
Finally, is it possible that all of this explains why my idle screw, right now, only requires 3/4-turn out instead of about 1-1/2, as the tuning guides give as a starting point?
Finally, finally, I hope you all recall that I have long confessed my carburetor/carburetion ignorance, but I'm learning.
Thanks for reading my lengthy posts on this. Truly appreciate your thoughts.
Richard L.