I think we're usually on the same or similar wavelengths, so I believe you must understand that a sentence beginning, "No offense intended..." almost always offends someone. In this case, I was the implementor of a graphic design by consensus of a majority of those commenting at the time. Regardless, my posting the picture was not intended to open a new aesthetic debate, but to bring back some pleasant nostalgia. If you have a better design that wins the hearts of the current active membership, I say, by all means, go for it and don't ask if people like it, just see if you can get enough people to commit to buying it that going into production makes sense. As long as you're doing the legwork, maybe you can work it our with Reckless Promotions, who already has the order mechanism in place. I am confident that if a different design is available, there will still be those who prefer the existing. In any case I suspect sales will remain very light.
Richard L.