I'd like to get my '57 A10 back on the road. Since the mid eighties I've ridden modern(ish) bikes so I've become slightly spoilt on little things like handling, brakes, lights, starting, well, you name it really.
I can suffer all of these on the A10 apart from a couple. The main one being the Amal Monobloc carburettor. I'm sorry, I just can't be having to tickle the carb, and all that it entails every
time that I want to start it.
Is there such a thing as an 'A10 carburettor replacement kit' which would bolt on without too much trouble and also has a throttle cable that attaches to the twist grip?
I don't really want an Amal concentric either.
While I'm asking, I suppose that I'd better include a request for any information about modern, sensibly designed petrol taps that will thread into a standard tank.
Basically I'd like to be able to apply the choke if necessary and kick it into life; no farting about with opening a petrol tap and covering a glove with petrol!