Just to remind you all why the ^%$*& we love our bikes so much:
Spent most of Friday trying to get the clutch lifting squarely on the GF A10, what a %^&%. The new springs I bought had a particularly sharp edge on them and did a great job of stopping the new nuts turning anti clockwise as I was trying to adjust them. At this point, I'd already spent a considerable time fine adjusting the primary and final drive chains, getting the rear wheel correctly aligned in the meantime.
Come Saturday, I was to finish clutch adjustment and get on the road. I chose to remove the locking nut from the adjuster on the kickstart side and dropped it straight into the *&^%$ing gearbox. Had to remove the gearbox cover draining it at the same time. Once recovered, I put the cover back on not realising that a couple of clutch plates had dropped out of the clutch basket because I'd just put the nuts on the first threads. Took me a while to realise that the kickstart wouldn't turn the engine over because of this.
Now I have *&^%ing Hermatite gasket all over my shiny cases. Feeling very ^&*%ed off, although I adjusted the clutch with the least run out I could muster with no dial gauge and it actually all works quite well. Still getting a bit of a crunch through first but at least finding neutral is better.
Still, apart from this and losing my nice shiny battery strap somewhere down the lanes of West Yorkshire, and having more electrical problems, all seems to be well.