Dear Tough Guys, Hermits, Exclusivists, I'd-Rather-Not-Be-Botherds and Cranky Old F*rts (talking about me, of course),
My friends, what is the hang-up? Have you some big events on your calendars for September 25th that have been there for months? Are you hiding your bikes away so that the unwashed masses will not see them? Will you perish if out while the sun is up? Is the thrift store near you out of tweed or bow ties (or whatever your style might be)? Do you blanch and lose motor control at the word "prostate"? If none of these or other good reasons apply, why not join your local ride? Donations to the cause are optional.
Here, again, is the link to main site:, again, are the links to our two forum teams: Apologies if I am starting to sound testy in this, but our paltry showing in this significant event has me completely baffled. Please remember that, in terms of prizes offered, no one team member benefits from the contributions of other team members. Who buys the Guinness is a completely separate issue.
Richard L.