I managed to fracture my pelvis, dislocate my leg and generally tear up the ligaments in my knee ten days ago. And yes, it's all in my right leg!
I'm on the mend, but it's going to take a while to get to full strength and my knee in particular may never actually be 'right' again.
I'm stuck in hospital (and been on a steady dose of morphine for ten days) so I've been thinking a lot, but not particularly clearly, about what (if anything) to do with my bikes.
For the A10 my question is: is there a good, reversible electric start option and does it necessitate a 12v conversion?
My bike is in pretty good condition (not concourse but close) and I don't really want to do anything 'permanent' to it, not least because I may heal better than I fear.
What's everyone's thoughts?
Oh: I slipped and fell off a bricked 15ft railway embankment onto an uneven surface while out walking with friends, for those that want to know how this happened.