We have a minor road dividing our smallholding. Years ago we fenced off a stretch on one side of the road and planted it up with native trees. The latest is doing the same on the opposite side. I've just finished moving the fence on the original side to give more room for more trees and wild flowers. We don't have so many sheep these days and can afford to sacrifice pasture for amenity and wildlife. Not to mention carbon capture. I found I was eligible for a grant - came to £9 12p. Didn't bother...
If you count the hedging, that's 8,000 trees over the years. Some of the first are now 60 feet tall.
Back to topic. If, and it's still a big if, the Covid pandemic is under control, I'm contemplating taking the 1913 Douglas on the DGR.
Clutchless, minimal brakes. Could be fun!