GB, As you say yours is an aftermarket unit, but to satisfy my curiousity, I pulled a screw out of mine, and M.d. measures 0.1845" (4.70mm) which according to the chart I use, the 2BA dia is 4.699mm.
The thread is not 2BA though, and I can't find my gauges, but it has the same pitch as what I guess is a spare 3/16" WW screw (3/16 = 0.1875").
I remember being surprised that they screwed in easily, but it may have been due to a previous owner improvising (I've had the backing unit since the early '80's but never used it until this rebuild four years ago).
The screws that hold the unit to the mudguard piece are finer and similar dia., so I'll assume 2BA until verified.
Hope that's a bit helpful (The reason I buy them from the boat shop is they are stainless, I can choose, and boatie is open saturday arvo