I am in Ohio, USA. This particular bike was found upon just riding around with no particular place to go. A small town called Olivesburg, Ohio. I had ridden past this house for quite some time, on many different occasions. I spied part of a motorcycle wheel sticking out from a pile of junk, literally. Upon stopping, and a quick look, it was indeed a BSA.. I could never find anyone at home, left notes many times on door. One day on a ride once again, upon passing the house, there were all kinds of cars and people present. I stopped again and finally spoke to someone. The young man said it belonged to his father. I asked if he was there, he said yes. He came out and we finally talked. He said yes, it was his fathers and it had been out there for years, literally covered up by bags of trash. He said come back first of week he would dig it out. I did and well, we made a deal, and I purchased the machine. It was in pretty sad shape, and it had been painted by brush. Was in pretty rough shape, with a lot of bicycle parts on it, windshield, reflectors, etc, LOL. And so the work began. It was a complete teardown due to the condition it was in. It is coming along nicely. Now, it is close to being back on the road. That will happen this coming year. Thank you for the replies!.