I am currantly waiting for a package from PG the website you reccommend, the package will contain a new dynamo/generator armature, new headlamp to fit a halogen 35/35 bulb that I already have, and not properly used (will explain this below) a 20 watt pilot bulb for day running, a V-reg 11 Electronic Regulator, and a LED light board for the tailgate lights.
The new armature is to replace the one I messed up by having a wonky mechanical regulator or weak battery, cant remember if I dicussed this on this forum or not, however I am also going to fit an electronic reg so I can at last get back some sparkly juice to run some lights!....
Back in the spring time of this year I decided to replace my original factory fitted Lucas headlamp because the silvering had seen the best of days. So I went for a wipac halogen lens, reason for this is the different bulb fittings. I fitted the new headlamp and Halogen bulb, went for a ride and..... Over a bump-lampfallsout-Smash! >
see picture below...
So it was back to the old Headlamp and bulb. The old headlamp now fits securely inside of the fibreglass Avon fairing and I am ready to try again with the 2nd new lamp (when arrives) and 1st 35/35 Halogen bulb. (fingers crossed!)
I also, have heard that the six volt halogen system can and is, very successful and there is no need for upgrades to 12 volt. An added bonus, Im sure, is to fit a LED lights tail board to save on valuable wattage there as they use virtually no power at all. So I'm excitedly looking forward to all this...
Will report here when package arrives to let you know how I get on!
Keep them electrons flowing!