I like both Musky's and Unclerob's suggestions as much as my own. A good set of easy-outs and
allen keys are worthwhile to have, so, no waste there. I think I just assumed most folks here are like me, with decades of accumulated loose tools like drill bits, allen keys and a smattering of easy-outs. Maybe I should have emphasized CHEAP easy-out when suggesting breaking it off. The easy-out method's only chance of working is if the tip just barely enters the screw, which will be iffy with one that is not modified. Then, still no guarantee. Maybe I should have added something like, "let's see what others have to say," so we had a little discussion before the money started to flow.
The fact is, the screw is cheap and it's dead anyway, so Musky's approach may be the quickest and would have been the cheapest way to go. Now, it's really going to be interesting to hear what worked.
Richard L.