You could always use a file on the end to reduce the size. I would put each ring in the bore about an inch down from the top and measure the gap. Gently use the file to give around a 8 thou gap when in the bore and you should be OK.
Well actually you can't , well not for long any way.
A piston ring has a specific curvature so that it exerts the same pressure all the way round.
Cutting down an oversize ring will cause uneven pressure on the bore acccelerating bore wear and in particular ovality.
The rings will also wear unevely and you run the risk of the ends of the ring wearing so thin that can be disslodged from their groves ( not pretty )
Now if it is week before the BSA Natioinal or International then you will be able to get away with it without too much risk but you won't gae away with pressing your luck for next years rallys.