Author Topic: It's a Drag!  (Read 1346 times)

Offline england kev

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It's a Drag!
« on: 21.06. 2008 16:04 »
It is funny how friends can look for the same thing at the same time and not know that each other is looking. I had been looking for a PAV trailer for a while, in fact I had even toyed with making my own out of Lambretta side panels.
Then out of knowhere one came up for sale, and I jumped on it, quickly followed I find out by another BSA owner Kent Shaun, as well as someone else.
 I fealt bad for all of a couple of minutes knowing that I had beaten Shaun to it, but I will search one out for him too, it is just a matter of time.

So this morning I dragged myself out of bed and headed to darkest Yorkshire to get my prize

Do you want to see it? of course you do. It is badged as a Pav 41? and needs just a little fetlin, but as you can see, it is pretty much good to go.

Oh yes! please ignor the oil leaks, it is a BSA after all.

Offline Beezageezauk

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Re: It's a Drag!
« Reply #1 on: 21.06. 2008 17:04 »
Hi Kev,

Nice piece of kit but you wouldn't need a trailer if you got yourself a smaller padlock and chain.  Only joking!!  Kent Shaun knows my sense of humour.  Give him my regards the next time you see him.

Did I read somewhere that you were going to the IOM International Rally??  If so I will look forward to meeting up with you there.
