Author Topic: So what did your Dad ride?  (Read 3645 times)

Online Brian

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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #15 on: 27.05. 2010 10:08 »
Dont suppose you know whatever happened to the B31 Richard.

Unfortunately I dont have any family history with motorcycles, I am the first in the line. However I have four children who are all avid motorcyclists, one makes his living as a stunt rider and instructor in China.

My motorcycling started after seeing a copper (policeman) on a A65 in the early sixties, being a kid I was very impressed by this beautiful black and chrome motorcycle and decided then I was going to have one, I was about 6 or 7  at the time.

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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #16 on: 27.05. 2010 10:41 »
Did you get the A65?

Don't know what happened to Shawn's B31.
However, he often mention the Star Twin which ge got after it. he said it was a heap of S..t, and let him down badly.

By the by, I was given a '51 Star twin a few years ago, and decided that I had too many bikes, so gave it away!

I tend to think more clearly these days!


Online Brian

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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #17 on: 27.05. 2010 10:57 »
Actually Richard I did buy a A65 and a A50. The A50 was quite a nice bike but I didnt like the A65 and gave it to one of my sons, he still has it. I have never ridden a bike that vibrated so badly as the A65, I thought there was something badly wrong with mine until I rode a couple of others and they were the same !

A 51' Star Twin and you gave it away !!!!! shame, shame, shame. Go and sit in the corner..... *smile* *smile* *smile*

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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #18 on: 01.06. 2010 13:44 »
My old dad had a Francis Barnett 150 plover in green with white leg shields. He loved that bike. He moved onto a morris 8 in about 1964. I used to sit on it in the shed as a lad, in fact it was the first bike I fell off, good job it wasnt moving! He came home and it was laying on the floor cos I couldnt pick it up..

I let him have a go on my kawasaki twin back in about 77, he rode off and phoned me from the call box in the next village to come and ride it home for him, so I took his car and we swapped over. He said it had just stopped on him, but it started first go for me... When we got home he said "its ok, but not like my Francis barnett"  *smile*

I think he had a little James at some point also.


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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #19 on: 14.06. 2010 16:32 »
My dad started on a 2 speed excelsior consort, then progressed up to a 1946 c11 which you can see in the first pic.( the one at the back with the windscreen), while his mate is sat on (he thinks) a borrowed francis barnett. My dad then bought a 1954 sprung hub speed twin off the same mate, which he courted my mum on. That`s mum and dad on it in the late fifties.
Dad sold the triumph when they married, and didn`t have a bike again until the seventies, when he used a honda c90, for work, mainly.He`s had a go on most of the bikes i`ve owned, but not the a10 as yet.
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1949 B31 plunger

Offline anita

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Re: So what did your Dad ride?
« Reply #20 on: 27.07. 2010 22:14 »
My Dad, nothing but he followed his younger brother round, who raced Velocettes and took quite a lot of photos, he trained as a professional photographer before I was born, and has a few cracking photos at home on the walls. 
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