WoW thanks for posting those pictures Brian! them carbys certainly do look nice. That'll really inspire me to hurry and find the other carb that I need. I bet Jeff won't be waiting till spring to complete his!
Now you confuse me Brian, stating that your 50s Star Twin has bores of 7/8th, that is smaller than my 15/16th I wonder why this is and if there is any noticable difference between the two?
Hey isn't this realisation fantastic? I'm sitting here in my home in the UK discussing BSA Star Twin dual carbs with a couple of chaps in Austrailia and a bloke in Canada, only a few years back this would have been nigh impossible, amazing. So... who else in the world has a Star Twin we can discuss with?
... Just to add a bit more and finish off my last post, as it got late last night and cider was not allowing me to think straight.
So far I have been enjoying the ST, its a very different ride from the two A10s and M21 I have, I think in every aspect it is as well, I had never ridden a plunger frame before and never ridden a 500cc. Groilys post sticks in my mind when he wrote of his French mates enjoying their 500cc bikes and not understanding why most guys in the UK think 650 is better than 500. I must admit that I had always thought along those lines that 650s were better than 500s, and it's a suprising realisation that I have been quite wrong in thinking this, those French guys are quite right as Groily had reported.
I reckon that after a few months of owning the bike and having done something about the awful state of the petrol tank and hand painted tinware will make me appreciate the machine much more. Of course i'll give an updated report when that time comes!
Keep your riding safe! cheers