Welcome to the confusing world of BSA Part Numbers......
The hub is marked with a number which identifies that particular component in the production process. In this case it is not the part number listed in the spares catalogue. Spares listing carries a part number which identifies a complete hub assembly, including bearings, internal spacer and wheel spindle, eg 67 5547, which from a list to hand fits early A7, A10, Star Twin.
In many cases, yes the casting number is also the part number, however in the case of sub assemblies, as above, actual part number is just a couple of final digits or so different from the number cast into or stamped on the item.
Notable other examples are pistons, folks have searched for hours trying to match a BSA casting number on a piston crown with what's in the book, perplexed when nothing matches! That's because the piston part number includes rings and circlips, not just the bare piston casting.
Gearbox inner cover is casting 67-3345, only offered as a complete assembly with bush and bearing as part 67-3344. That's the early S/A box. Cylinder heads are another....You won't find those casting numbers in the book either and the same goes for Conrods.