It IS a private Facebook group. You have to have a facebook acct to join, and have to be allowed access to view a private group.
* I HATE the Borg,,,err Facebook* However, Its become apparent a lot of good groups with cool stuff so grudgingly I am joining the Borg,,,errrr Facebook soon. Im downsizing stuff, and not real crazy about FeeBay these days so, I DID join Instagram.
Besides attention starved older women "Look at me! Look at me!" Doing insipid dance moves and trying to be cool, there is some pretty cool accounts on the 'Gram... Including some interesting British bike guys accounts and pictures, For sale spaces. #Britishbikepartsswapper #Vintagent etc etc...
But a Acct called I think... #Brit_Bikeparts (I am following them on Instagram) Just posted some pictures that they just purchased a HUGE pile of bike parts from a collector. Enough to fill several 40ft shipping containers. Frames, engines, wheels, trans etc.. drool worthy. Id have to check my acct, (Im still inexperienced with it) But I believe they are located in Colorado.