Whether it makes any difference??
It'll make a difference Yeti, sure.
You can get 'em to 'spot-on' if you're patient and you'll get better tickover and you'll reduce risk of piston or valve trouble at higher speeds, especially on higher compression engines if there's a big difference.
Have to remember a degree on a K2F mag is 2° on the crank on any 4 stroke twin, so a small error can affect timing quite a bit.
The Question always, however, is 'Is it
really the camring that is the problem?' , because it often isn't.
This irregular heartbeat thing is one of the reasons a lot of people are going Thorspark or similar these days - with which I have much sympathy despite a certain personal bias. Or, more appealing to me, the 'Joe Hunt route'. I was with a good friend yesterday who uses a scarily-tuned early 650 Triumph outfit for 'beach racing' - for which he uses a Hunt twin-spark mag. Best of all worlds maybe? I am much tempted by them as they pack a serious punch and don't look ridiculous, rather like an SR2 Lucas in fact . . . Also, all parts are available by return post from the good 'ole U S of A. I am slightly surprised not to have come across more of them over here in Europe to be honest because they are dead easy to work on and fairly bullet-proof.