Author Topic: Ever felt silly. ?  (Read 420 times)

Offline A10 JWO

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Ever felt silly. ?
« on: 18.11. 2018 15:49 »
Got a call from my good mate yesterday who is not well. We managed to get a buyer for his RGS in mint condition. I previously went round a few times to re-commission it for him and sort out a test ride for the respectable buyer. The payment was made on a cheque and arrangement's were made for collection yesterday.
I got a desperate call to say the bike started twice at point of sale and now it was a non starter. When I arrived I was met by two red faces. "It has a good spark and there's fuel but it wont fire".
Sure enough a good spark and signs of fuel at the tickler but the plugs were both dry. Pulled the carb off and the primary circuit was fine. Re-fitted the carb and still dry plugs after tickling.
Took the tank cap off and could hear no fuel slapping about. Managed to quickly sort out 4 litres of fuel which fuel and off it went first time, just goes to show how something so simple can deceive the eyes. Happy ending for me, two pints of real ale.