I've recently taken early retirement so can now mess around with old bikes for many more hours in the day - well nearly!!
I started biking late in life in my early 40's. This was because when a teenager my crazy older brother put our parents through hell when he went through the bike phase with youth + speed = !!!!!
I've always longed for an old BSA like my brother and his mates had ridden back in the 60's.
I read all about the twins and found a very early short stroke A7. She'd had a hard life, tugged a sidecar at some point as well but was looking for a caring new owner and I knew just the person.
I've owned her about 8 yrs now and a few years later acquired a 1955 B31 to keep her company.
I currently have the A7 engine in bits on the bench for a bottom half overhaul.
The best thing about old bikes is there is always something to fix, improve, tweak and you can guarantee someone will start talking to you about it.
Besides what else am I going to spend my hard earned on!!!
Now I hope to share some of the knowledge I've gained to help others.