Well, obviously I've been procrastinating the hell out of this and just moving slowly, not to mention actual serious matters that had to take precedence.
Back on July 3, I wrote this:
So, my plan is to give the lightest possible hone on the right side only, removing negligible diameter. Then, use my on-hand, half-a-set of 60-over rings. These rings came with the pistons some time ago, but I threw them over for some genuine Hepolite. I think it may be OK to be less choosy right now.
Assuming I don't get too much pushback on my "too lean" diagnosis and the rework of the bore and piston, I am left with the question of what to do about "too lean". Raise the needle on the concentric up from middle position? Change main jets up from (I think) 220? Add a bias gasket? All of the above? None of the above? Or. some mix of these?
I just finished reassembly after the light hone and new rings. I had also baked the head to test if the guides were loose. They were not. Went to look at the needle and found it in the top-most (most lean) position. I just goofed in the last carb rebuild. Don't know if this is the cause of the nip-up, but it's in the #2 position now. The bike started right up and a ride around the block was pretty spry. On the other hand, it was also quite smoky. I want to blame this on the new rings not bedded in, but maybe I have crossed the line on bores too big and pistons too small, like Muskrat has said.
I have to admit to doing just the minimum to get the top end back together and the bike on the road so I can attend and show in the show shown in the flyer. (I tried to use fewer "shows" but it was too much trouble.) If I show up with a smoking bike, so be it. It won't be smoking while just sitting on display. Please don't take this to mean I am ignoring all the good advice from everyone, It's just that I know I have a re-bore and pistons in the not-distant future, and that will be a good time undertake the careful timing evaluation.
I'll let you know how things go tomorrow and if the smoke lets up.
Richard L.