I hope it makes you guys fell a little better if I tell you that it happens over here as well . We had a massive problem in Crosby due to schools , basically the school run closed Crosby/thornton twice a day and the through road being a major route from North Sefton to Liverpool and the motorways couldn't cope even in normal traffic . A relief road was suggested ...28 yrs ago ,it opened in November 2015 !! It didn't run the full distance ,instead ending at one of the very bottlenecks it was supposed to remove due to a colony of naterjack toads , was over budget and 8 mths behind schedule due to the route used encountering tributaries of the Alt no less than 6 times , which needed extra drainage work and ponds created to stop flooding . It was also only 2 lanes not the 4 planned, all in all a complete cockup.