Hiya there Lutim, ...what the Bobs said, but I have the notion that the first A7 'Vertical Twin' was '46, which had a speedo-in-tank, and the 'Star Twin' was the 'sport' model from '47-> I could be dreaming, but also think these had engine prefixes with "X', and 'Y'...

According to the info I have (Parts books), if it's a Longstroke stroke engine, or shortstroke A7 Plunger '49-'54-'57 will be a Star Twin, but if a swing Arm, will be a 'Shooting Star'....??
Re; gaskets, I think all A7/10 are the same, except maybe the Head-gasket.... I make my own any way, partly 'cos I'm a cheapskate, and partly because some guys have issues with manufactured ones being not wide enough to cope with the mismatched mating surfaces that seems to be so common (rocker boxes, and on mine between the oil pump cavity, and dynamo-hum chain case )
cheers for now