Thanks Guys! Brian your indeed correct after a look around on the net... Thanks Olev for showing your pic which clearly shows what Brian says. Right! well although wrong I think i'll stick with the 276 types with 15/16th bores for now, I cant see any harm in using them. Bet Jeff is gonna be watching closely!
There is still the problem with the manifold fitting up against the head... As you can see in the photo my ports are not recessed to take that sticking out bit on the manifold. I see Jeff had no problem as the manifold fits close to head. How come? ???
So far this project costing a bit but not too badly...
£35 quid for the carb from an autojumble which seems in good nick. A big bag of parts ordered today from Hitchcock's Motorcycles Ltd and consists of Main Jets (140) Needle Jets (107) Taper needles, throttle slides (4 cutaway) etc etc. £119.12
But the main thing is that its fun!