no electrics working, clutch slips, and leaking oil from the dynamo seal and the speedo cable insert
g'day Shano, sounds like you got a goodun

..didja try backtracking to the last place you changed gears- never know...?? would have to be between there and when you noticed.
Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, had to go in the timing cover for a looksee, and even though I intended to leave replacing the shifter until last(and do it properly), I had to put it on temporarily to change into/out of gear....

...moral of- if you need to put it on temporarily, put it so it's not in a good position...but lucky it fell off when I slipped into first to leave the shops, and when I went for second, something was missing- didn't feel right, just a gap but couldn't put a finger on it (or a foot)
I'm also thinking, if you got really stuck far from home, maybe it's possible to use the brake pedal in its place (same spline)...might look a bit dodgy, but who cares...