You planted the seed
Here is data taken from Roy Bacon's book "BSA Twins and Triples" (appendix). I sorted the valve clearances by model and year and stated which camshaft is fitted (this data being taken from Bacon's book "BSA Twin Restoration):
A71946-50: .015/.015 (67-690/67-695)
1951-54: .010/.010 (67-334)
1955-59: .010/.016 (67-334)
1960-61: .008/.010 (67-356)
A7 Star Twin1949-50: .015/.015 (67-695)
1951-54: .008/.012 (67-356)
A7 Shooting Star1955-59: .008/.012 (67-356)
1960-61: .008/.010 (67-356)
A101950 only: 015/.015 (67-334)
1951-54: .010/.010 (67-334)
1955-59: .010/.016 (67-334)
1960-62: .008/.010 (67-356)
A10 Super Flash1953-54: .008/.008 (67-356)
A10 Road Rocket1955-57: .008/.008 (67-356)
A10 Super Rocket1958-59: .008/.008 (67-356)
1960-63: .008/.010 (67-357 probably export only in 60-61, 67-356 for home, used for all from 62)
A10 Rocket Gold Star1962-63: .008/.010 (67-357)
You can see that there are slightly different settings for one and the same camshaft used in different models. To make things worse, there are also yearly changes.
Here's another quote from "BSA Twin Restorations" (p. 57, Camshafts):
"In general it is best to run what is specified for your model and set it to the correct timing for the year. If you have a sports camshaft in an iron engine use the original gaps, which are set by expansion rates and not cam timing, but remember to keep an eye on any non-standard set-up while it is settling down."I personally would not consider that to be so crucial. The original settings for a 356 cam in an iron head engine don't differ much the alloy head settings (bit more clearance on the ex. valve). And experience shows that the smaller clearances are okay when riding at a reasonable pace.
But Trev, you are basically right, the cam makes the main difference. Thanks for putting my thoughts right.
So it would be a good idea for Emilios to check the valve timing to figure out which cam is fitted.
for the 67-334 this would be: i.o. 30, i.c. 70, e.o. 65, e.c. 25
for the 67-356: i.o. 42, i.c. 62, e.o. 67, e.c. 37
(data taken from "BSA Twin Restorations", p. 209)
Regards, Markus