I was wondering what happeed to my RGS - It was sold in the 1970s to a Mick Jaggard in Warwickshire - just wondered where iy=t went from there.
Welcome. Try talking to Stones' manager\record company, may give you Mick J.'s phone nr. May help if you got frame, reg nr's, and some old photos of bike (and owner) to post here ?
Quote from: Khunwilko on 16.09. 2023 19:01I was wondering what happened to my RGS - It was sold in the 1970s to a Mick Jaggard in Warwickshire - just wondered where it went from there.Welcome to the Forum, do you have any bikes now??
I was wondering what happened to my RGS - It was sold in the 1970s to a Mick Jaggard in Warwickshire - just wondered where it went from there.