I have the Skitsu tach on my Racebikes.
The new ones had an external 9v Accu and can be used on bikes without 12 Battery.
They pick up the signals from the HT leads.
On Racebikes they are ok, but on others bikes, its my oppinion they are ugly.
cheers Klaus
Thank you Klaus, much appreciated.
Poking around again in various places this afternoon, Access Norton, Britbike forum etc, I can see that there has been a bit of discussion, some of it not very complimentary. When I was first looking I was minded to order up a 'Black' version with an 8K range, for a mag-fired twin, just to see how it went. I'd been put off by the cost of tacho-drive gearboxes and correct instruments, and was looking for easier / cheaper options. At that time they had rechargeable Ni-Cad batteries and a special charging lead, a dummy plug to put in the thing when not in use (to preserve the battery's charge), and the need for a bit of sticky tape to stop water ingress in use. I didn't go there. It seems now though, that they come with (lithium) batteries which last about a year, and are easily and cheaply replaced. That sounds more like.
But, coming back to the complaints from people who have had problems - and apparent difficulties in getting responses from the makers - it doesn't look quite so rosy. Previous 'some and some' experience of not dissimilar after-market tachos on cars also makes me a trifle wary.
Still tempted . . . but it's just gizmo-lust at the end of the day (and probably a bit silly).
If I could find anyone among my local friends using one on a classic race bike, that might nudge me into doing something . . .