New Member here...I picked-up a Replica Rocket Goldstar a year and a half ago. This bike was meticulously assembled by a guy in England who sold it to a collector in Connecticut...I'm not sure if it has ever been started. A month or so ago, I started the re-comissioning of this beast and soon discovered the disability of using a kick start quadrant designed for a cafe racer style bike. The kick starter has a limited amount of travel and makes starting very difficult...hard to get the kick starter in a position to be useful...hard to get a forceful stroke because of the limited travel...I need the standard quadrant...
BUT...I can't find a source of this piece...I've investigated a few of the common suppliers of these gearbox parts, but no availability so far. I want to buy the standard kick starter shaft and the associated ratchet so I can avoid the clash between and sharply pointed teeth of the quadrant with the more square recent quadrant....Any ideas about where I can find these parts??? I'd like to get them before I pop the cover off of the gearbox...
Not interested in used parts unless really good...I'm not trying to cut corners or save pennies...I want to put good pieces in there...
Any suggested suppliers???