Author Topic: Amazing, (if true)  (Read 1358 times)

Offline BSA_54A10

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #15 on: 14.12. 2022 03:53 »
why do we in the british country turn the clocks back and forward when the farmers don't give a monkeys anymore and the schools only have 5 hour days.  and who says this is the year 2022. and who was the magician called jesus who fed 5000 with a loaf of bread  i hope it was hovis ] and 5 stickle back fish? and how did she give birth when she hadn't had sex.  who is father christmas? i will tell you now he isn't coming to your new build property [ home ] because you haven't got a chimney you are now tied up to a gas and electric company with your not so smart meter .why are you programmed to believe everything we are taught at school? when it is an agenda of control by the ones clinging on to their position of privilege . why is it great britain when all they did was drag drunks out of the ale house and hold them prisoner on ships while sending them on missions of pillaging wealth from around the world to pay those doffing their caps to get a shift in a sweat house and sleep over a long length of rope on their belly's  ok last of all why do we allow governments to syphon off public money into their gang in the private members club? why do management  get to be millionaires in one one year of failing instead of 20 years of doing the right thing [ yes Mr dodgy Dave cammoron] i need to harness all the hate opposing footy fans have for each other and start the revolution . now who has got a few tiger tanks spare. this could be amazing or true take your pick or take your money as Micheal Miles once said. thankyou for listening those black&tans mixed with french brandy work wonders, that reminds me what happened to double diamond works wonders . Now is this amazing or true. answers on a post card or text or phone to me , all profits will go to the thousand charity's now running the country for the plebs while the directors of said charity's buy another yacht . please give generously we might stop the private water company's killing our stickle backs . the whole system is dead because all that matters is GREED ,  and don't get me on sorting my waste to SAVE the planet when the privileged fly twice around the world with a bag of syphoned off money and bring a piece of cheese back from some far away county . and then we have people paying to park at WORK! broken britain yes REVOLUTION who's with me. rant over . if i get any more worked up worty's barrel base studs and nuts will be stripped  *problem* *pull hair out* *beer* only joking get a sense of humour, problem is it's amazing and TRUE!!!

If it was not for the base emotions of Greed, Avris & Selfishness we ( humans ) would have died out before we crawled out of the caves.
All of the long term successful cultures recognised this so they did away with personal possesion of everything including land and imagined them to be the custodians of the land for future generations .
Day & night are real. everything else is imagination . If it is backed by observations then it is called science and open to contradictions . If it is backed by blind faith & obidence then it is a religion and is not allowed to be questioned lest it be found to be wrong .
Science is the best way we have of describing/understanding things given the technology & accumulated knowledge at the time so it advances .
Religions are absolute and not allowed to progress so become regressive over time , perfect example is Iran & Indonesia or even the USA .
A calendar is an invention & totally meaningless other than to mark the passage of time since an event happened and predict the reoccurence of cyclic events .
So centuries & milleniums are totally meaningless , yet we are obsessed with celebating them , which is quite strange considering most of them are actually held on the wrong day .
Every Christian "Holy day" has its origins in a pagan festival day in order to keep the plebs / pesants happy when a new religion was forced upon them .
Remember when most of these originated 99.9% of the population was functionally illitirate so they had no alternative other than to believe what the religious / tribal leader told them .
I was stunned to learn from a Black Fella friend that his aboriginal language ( and most others ) had no plurls and few numbers so 1 A 10 is "flash" and 2 of them is Flash Falsh and any more than that is flash, flash, flash . Thus all the names like Walla Walla , Wagga Wagga , Nimba Nimba & I notice that there are a lot if US traditional names that are also double so I gues that some native American languages were structurally similar .
We have structured our civilization to destroy the planet in order to ceate wealth to pass on to our children because we fail to recognise that real wealth is a healthy planet.
And yes increasing the number of jets that toss out anything up to 800 gallons of unburned  jet A1 when they take off while at the same time legislating petrol pwered law mowers oit of existance does not make any environmental sense.
Good thing is when we have polluted ourselves to extinction ( probably not all that far away ) the planet will recover and without humans destroting it will flourish till the sun goes cold .
Bike Beesa

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #16 on: 14.12. 2022 10:26 »
Hell man, that's good! May I copy and quote it?
Greybeard (Neil)
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Warwickshire UK

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #17 on: 14.12. 2022 10:51 »
i knew i would start something, amazing  [ if true  ] *whistle* has anyone got any pollution friendly old boots to burn ;)

Offline dave55

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #18 on: 14.12. 2022 13:27 »
I have some old leather sandals ?  They are pollution friendly as they are a boot with 50% missing really . Will they do ? *idea*
BSA Bantam D7 175  1961
BSA A10 650 Golden Flash 1955 Plunger
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Offline Rex

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #19 on: 14.12. 2022 16:27 »
Years ago you blokes would have stood on Speakers Corner giving it the bigg'uns and people could've listened and approved or not, depending on the quality of your oratory.
Now we have the Net and I can read people's err.. opinions any time and on any subject.. *eek* *eek*
But please carry on, the World has always liked a good "doomed I tell ye, doomed" Pte Fraser impersonation.

Online bsa-bill

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #20 on: 14.12. 2022 17:23 »
blokes would have stood on Speakers Corner giving it the bigg'uns

Hi Rex- our government in it's wisdom? have made it illegal to give it "bigg'uns" (specially if it's against something ther'e a doin)
All the best - Bill
1961 Flash - stock, reliable, steady, fantastic for shopping
1959 Rocket Gold Flash - blinged and tarted up  would have seizure if taken to  Tesco

Offline Rex

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #21 on: 14.12. 2022 21:53 »
No they haven't.
Some would argue that many have too much "voice" rather than too little.
Those who supposedly glue their ears to the road or trains and lorries don't speak for me or many others, yet I haven't seen any instances of their childish "look at me being so naughty" campaigns being silenced.

Online groily

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #22 on: 15.12. 2022 10:28 »
has anyone got any pollution friendly old boots to burn
First job of a morning at the moment. But it's only a balmy 0° today, so a modest conflagration so far.
My daughter says -11° in Suffolk where she is  . . . Ouch.
No blazing boots - but there are a few worn-out candidates if desperate. Could spit-roast a few bits of some of Rex's bêtes noires who are causing you guys in the UK a lot of grief I suppose (but they'd probably taste of vegetables).

Offline RDfella

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #23 on: 15.12. 2022 11:25 »
Every Christian "Holy day" has its origins in a pagan festival day

Yup - Christmas day was (is) the first day of the New Year, plundered from a pagan festival. Shortest day Dec 21st (in N. Hemi) and it takes about 3 days fpr the earth to start moving again in the opposite direction (much like tides at high and low water).
Easter date varies because it relates to phases of the moon - again a pagan festival as farmers plant certain crops according to the moon phase and this was the spring (first) planting of the new year.
'49 B31, '49 M21, '53 DOT, '58 Flash, '62 Flash special, '00 Firestorm, Weslake sprint bike.

Offline BSA_54A10

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #24 on: 15.12. 2022 12:24 »
Hell man, that's good! May I copy and quote it?
BE my guest but first research it to make sure it is actually true if you are ging to quote it .
Because as Simon & Garfunkel used to sing
" A man hears what he WANTS to hear & disregards the rest ".
I always remember a mad melbourne Vegan having a rant on the radio about how animals are destroying the planet and we would all be saved if we switched to a 100% vegetable diet like hers .
Apparently this is one of the few times the ABC  production team had some thoughtful people manning it so they patched a cattle farmer through who asked the question
"name me a plant that I can grow & harvest at a profit in a region that gets 4" to 8" of unreliable rain a year & I will sell all of my cattle rip out the saltbush & grow it "
Stony silence followed that question .
Bike Beesa

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Re: Amazing, (if true)
« Reply #25 on: 15.12. 2022 12:53 »
No they haven't.
Some would argue that many have too much "voice" rather than too little.
Those who supposedly glue their ears to the road or trains and lorries don't speak for me or many others, yet I haven't seen any instances of their childish "look at me being so naughty" campaigns being silenced.

Bertrand Russel used to have a quote that went along these lines attributed to him but now days that is being refuted , not that it matters .
" Most people would rather die than to be made to think about the consequences of their actions .
An endeavour that way too may succeed in accomplishing "

People are inheritantly lazy
THinking is hard
So the easy lazy thing to do is agree with some one elses opinion and again way too many do just that .

There is another saying along the lines that "Emotion & passion are inversly proportion to objectivity & interlect "

Again usually true ask any self appointed saviour of the planet or passionate vegan or worse a vegan planet saver tree hugging greenie. .

We all like to take the lazy path
So when some useless pratt pedals the theory that we can bung some solar panels on the roof swap the IC for an EV then every thing will be fine & it will be life as normal we decide to believe it without question because that is the easy thing to do .
Then the deniers will say the planet is always changing and when the CO2 ratio was 10 times higher, it was the most abundant plant life in our history.
Again quite true, but there are no more dinosaurs around to eat 500kg of plant matter a day and the plants we have allowed others ( greed ) to make us dependent upon ( lazy again ) took tens of thousands of years to evolve  followed by a few thousand years of human interfearance to get to where they are today and they will not survive a sudden change .
Any one feel like eating some ferns ?
The black fellas grew nardu for thousands of years , it was the base of many of their diets and traded extensively between the nations.
We ripped up the Nardu & forced them to eat wheat that we just about starved on because we could not get it to grown down here
We farm cattle that require a massive amount of work , including intensive land clearing while shooting kangaroos for dog food because they are a "pest "
Yet kangaroos are an almost perfect source of meat protien and even better as a browser do not leave barron paddocks and to top that off they self regulate reproduction so we do not have to run around shooting the off spring in drought years .
We banned eating possums, which are excellent tucker supposedly to protect them so now because they have no vaue they are considered a house invaiding pest they have gone extinct in many regions . We shot so many Koalas for export of the hides that they became extinct & only survived because of a few collonies on islands .
Worldwide the passionate illinformed got wearing natural hides banned and now 20 years latter we have found the micro plastics from the "clean green & humanitarian" replacements are a major pollutant in sea water & killing off large numbers of fish.
1/3 of the worlds ( too many ) people derrive their protien from seafoods almost excluseivly . 
And I won't mention bushfires except to reinterate what another Black Fella said on TV
There were very few massive bushfires when we were allowed to care for the country and we are the living proof of that as you can't escape a raging bushfire running with bare feet .
He followed on with an intersting comment along the lines of.
You lot have got trucks, tankers, helicoperts, bulldozers, big jets , satelites , radios & computers yet with all that you can't manage to do what we did with nothing more than a couple of branches .
Bike Beesa