BB The wiring diagram shows the horn to be a "one in/one out" design. In other words one terminal takes current in, through the guts and out from the other terminal. What you should be able to do is find continuity between the terminals, but no connection from either terminal to the horn body and from there to earth. No reading across the horn terminals means an break in the internal wiring. A reading from either terminal to the horn body represents the source of the parasitic drain. Having read your posts again I don't think the horn unit is the problem, but you have not said that it actually works.
Rex has a good plan there, a visual indication of current flow. Digital meters are sometimes too clever for their own good and old fashioned lumens from your low wattage test bulb may save the day. Other suspects are the dynamo, due to the cutout not working, as mentioned, and the brake light switch sticking and continuing to pass a small current, but insufficient to light the brake light bulb.