*I am not certain I am being helpful here*
But, This way too vague to properly respond. The reason why is simply apples to refrigerators, Not the same designs other than layshaft & mainshaft and those bumpy bits called gears.
The A65 has a cassette style transmission and most of the parts are fixed to a roundish-oval plate that bolts in to the case. It unbolts and removes as one large assy. (I can post pix and do some measuring if you like, Got a LOT of A65s)
The Preunit A10 and Singles use a more traditional box assy With an out cover and then the intermediate cover merely locates the layshaft and Main shaft on one end and similarly riding on bearings or bushes inside the case.
2 different animals.
Can you show, pix or properly describe WHERE and HOW you are getting this endplay or slop? You say when fitted.......... what does that mean? When secured to the Cassette end plate? Or when the whole cassette assy is fitted INTO the case itself??