That's quite a bit less than the .090 I measured ?
Today I was looking at the box of bits again, I would need to press off the gear to retrieve the circlip or go and buy a new one, I have a new layshaft and B gear for the build
The B gear dogs have a recess to accommodate the circlip,
Careful measurement and assembly needed
Is it the gear sticking on the shaft spline ? I would check for high spots with engineers blue and use a hone stone to get it sliding freely
Hi John, I think we might have to set the end float of the layshaft assembly by moving gear B on the layshaft and not worry about pushing gear B hard against the circlip, as someone said here, they don’t even use the circlip. I can’t see that it matters much it can’t move as it is a press fit and sits against the end thrust washer and is unlikely to move the other way as any pressure that is put on it is pushing it against the thrust washer. Having said that, I would still leave the circlip in place.
The second gear F is sliding ok on the layshaft, the problem is gear F teeth; they are binding with gear E on the mainshaft in one spot.
The problem is in gear F it is only binding on one or two teeth; you can make it ride over it but not by hand.
We are still pondering on this!
Has anyone had this problem and what did you do about it?