Search results for: push rod

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A7 & A10 Engine / Re: 1951 BSA A7
« by anjimehra on 10.04. 2014 15:25 »

......  (big end shell side) about 1/16" deep. Warm the rod and try to push it down the little hole as far as  ............  threadlock, finally punching the Al in the con rod to lock the screw. Kep your fingers crossed ??   ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: wheres my little end ?
« by groily on 12.05. 2009 17:46 »

......  caused by the bush starting to rotate in the rod. Wonder what sort of fit the gudgeon pin was when  ............  etc and liberal use of compressed air, have the rods checked for ovality at the little ends, fit new  ............  fit (which takes just modest finger power to push the pin in and out). Plus check the gudgeon pin(s) ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Engine sprocket distance piece question
« by RogerSB on 26.05. 2018 12:25 »

......  kit which comes with everything you need except push rod - and I must admit I just fitted it following  ......

......  the footrests and the brake lever, or loosen the rod adjuster enough to be able to push the brake  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Possible cause of my misfire
« by Greybeard on 10.04. 2019 17:29 »

...... -box refitting a while ago. Search for the topic 'Push rod tips' in A7 & A10 Engine. I've just used the  ............  four of the rocker sockets are located on their pushrods.      ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Blown head gasket
« by vwphillips on 21.07. 2014 14:14 »

......  have got the bike back together again  I used the push rod comb tool as I cound not see enough to see  ............  wires to align the pushrods It took about 6 attempts but it is done now.   ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: a10 plunger smoking
« by beezermacc on 13.12. 2011 08:41 »

......  to work its way up to the valve gear, down the push rod tunnel creating an overflow into the  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Solid copper rocker box gaskets
« by TT John on 13.05. 2015 15:16 »

......  bad a job, the only problem is trying to get the push rods in place but I have found it a lot easier to  ............  them in if at first you get all the rod level, instead of one sticking up etc. ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Post big bang - Whitsend A10
« by muskrat on 30.06. 2014 20:35 »

...... 's and done a bad job of it. A lot of books say to push the old bush out with the new one going in. Don't  ............ . Heat the rod, press old bush out, freeze the new bush and it  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: A7 timing side noise
« by anjimehra on 07.08. 2017 13:22 »

......  end & discovered that the ball end on one exhaust push rod was a loose fit in the tubular body. This end  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: rocker box gaskets again
« by a101960 on 01.11. 2013 14:59 »

......  (and this especially applies if you use the push rod comb) it is difficult not to damage any  ............  in the rocker cover from the crankcase via the push rod tunnel, and the oil drain holes. Indeed I  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Eastern pistons
« by Brian on 18.08. 2011 10:57 »

......  set I had.  If your pins are loose in the rods dont use them. When you say billet rods I take  ............  no gudgeon bush, the pins run directly in the rod. Do you have a set of original pins that fit the  ............ , if you do heat a piston and see if the pin will push in. If it does you could use the pistons with  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: what could happened???
« by bsa-bill on 04.10. 2009 12:06 »

......  out, I'm assuming you mean 3mm sliding the conrod across at the big end, rocking the conrod 3mm at  ............  up to needing some sideways allowance if the con rod is going to push the piston up free of any side  ......

......  his) I think I just made a complete mess of the push rod assembly first time round  I have not managed  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Seizing engine
« by muskrat on 19.05. 2017 13:23 »

......  piston through the barrels if your lucky or the rod through the cases if your not.  Any seizure  ............  or piston/bore. So it's had two or three, don't push your luck!  ......

......  but not probable scenarios, you have A65 con rod on one side, doesn't explain the rattle but might  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: What goes in this hole then?
« by Mosin on 09.09. 2009 18:36 »

......  the oil tank.  I don't think that it is a cluth push rod adjuster - the diameter is way to narrow for  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: bsa a10 650..the problem child !
« by MG on 14.06. 2010 14:15 »

......  to racing spec.   That would explain why the push rod didn't jump out. For a Flash in standard tune  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Project 1065
« by danma on 20.11. 2015 21:32 »

......  left pot] If I fish the missing bit out of the push rod tunnel and super glue it back it should be  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: GB is not OK!
« by berger on 06.06. 2018 19:22 »

......  the engine a couple of years later I found a bent push rod which explained what had  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Severe Knocking - A10 Road Rocket
« by KiwiGF on 28.05. 2015 01:32 »

......  yourself....using a kitchen scale to check rod and piston weights etc. but your engine builder  ............  factor and are not using heavier Pistons or rods obviously I'm on the side of not doing it, but  ............  spend the cash saved on something else like new rods.  I'm happy with my A10 vibes and it is no worse  ............  a higher balance factor, albeit I've no desire to push beyond 5000rpm especially on someone else's bike! ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Motor strip
« by muskrat on 03.05. 2018 20:47 »

......  on the bearing. If you put the shells in the rod and push the cap on you should notice a gap (a  ............  thou")between rod and cap.  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: GB is not OK, again!
« by berger on 15.06. 2018 13:38 »

......  are amazing, you've now been practicing riding push rods. I find it near on impossible to ride a push  ......
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