Search results for: push rod

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A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Conrod life - do they fail eventually?
« by BSA_54A10 on 01.10. 2019 12:55 »

......  life than a forging. Good thing about aluminium rods is that start to stretch long before they fail  ............  eventually one will get big enough to split the rod into several places.  Now back in the days when  ............  material standards for Truck wheels, car wheels, push bike wheels, wheel chair wheels, even wheel  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Head gaskets
« by jjbsa on 04.03. 2017 21:29 »

......  years ago) and it blew from the cylinder to the push rod tunnel. Having the new trendy alloy pushrods  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Strange valve clearance
« by Rocket Racer on 27.12. 2015 22:59 »

......  worth considering that an alloy push rod will expand at double the rate of a steel one. ............  although probably only a thou or so  Alloy push rods really makes sense when fitted with both an  ............  head and an alloy barrel.  I run alloy push rods in my race motor and steel in my road motor,  ............  the alloy rods seem to be simpler to locate when assembling the  ............  I didnt buy them.  The bottom ends of the alloy rods will be very sensitive to anything abrasive in  ............  years ago with a tigress motor that ate an alloy pushrod and there was a tiny piece of grit in the cam  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Tappets
« by a101960 on 02.10. 2015 16:17 »

......  will always be to me... cam... cam followers... push rod.... tappets set in the rockers... then valve  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: In dire need of divine inspiration
« by Roadrocket649 on 20.04. 2011 11:44 »

...... ?  Hi Goldy, the bike did have four alloy barrel push rods in I got it When I first took the head off  ............  The others were OK I changed that one for a steel push rod, and replaced them all in that order. When I  ......

......  R and it's from a 1960 Super Rocket. Steel tube pushrods are standard and very light (A7 push rods  ............  to see if yours are aluminum. ...  Thanks Dp  The push rod do not react to a magnet. A friend dropped by  ............  very (too) hard valve-springs (se below) As the rods are not hardened at the ends I polished them  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Pushrod problem
« by Pecon on 01.01. 2014 09:35 »

......  incorrect clearances did have an affect on the rods, I'll rectify that when I get the replacements.   ............  aware that there were so many variations on the push rod types. I assume that the lighter set are for  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Screeching noise ??????
« by muskrat on 26.09. 2013 11:20 »

......  might be the sound of a push rod scraping on the head gasket protruding into  ............  push rod tunnel. That's why I asked if there was any  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Oil among cooling fins
« by Bill18 on 11.01. 2012 01:07 »

......  should have said a "push rod" gadget of course, not "valve stem". The  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Rocker box gaskets
« by muskrat on 25.04. 2012 10:25 »

......  central to the valve stem. This is achieved by push rod length and rocker shaft height (gasket  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: rocker box breather
« by alanp on 28.06. 2010 10:58 »

......  increasingly furious at having to get those push rods seated properly without messing up the  ............  goo with the push rod aligning tool. Seriously though, mine was  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: A1o oil leak
« by LJ. on 15.11. 2008 00:43 »

......  metal just as the same process hardens the clutch push rod ends. I have heated up my gaskets evenly to a  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Compression Plate
« by muskrat on 06.12. 2010 17:42 »

......  racing/over reving. Easy enough to make longer push rods (same amount as comp plate) out of durallium  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Possible cause for seizing
« by Swarfcut on 28.08. 2019 08:48 »

......  posts were added while I was typing this. Bent rods are unlikely if the piston damage is more or  ............  consistent on both pistons. Straight rod across the small end bushes, as suggested.  ............  pistons with a hot air gun means the pins will push out with very little force.   Piston manufactures  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Valve guides.
« by BSA_54A10 on 07.08. 2010 14:29 »

......  on one at this time. The set comprises a bent rod ( on left ) with a shoulder on it, 3 sets of  ............  , a rod with a stepped ball sized to sit in the valve  ............  threaded hole in it to run up down the other two rods. The top sleeve is almost completely hollow, big  ............  will sit over the top of the guide on the shaft & push against the guide when installing and is flipped  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Cylinder Head torque.
« by dpaddock on 19.02. 2008 04:00 »

......  seal engine oil draining from the head to the the push rod tunnel; combustion pressures are sealed by  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Bad Head Skimming
« by RichardL on 03.03. 2008 01:24 »

......  rocker is the same distance from the shaft as the push-rod side. By logic, I think it probabaly is, but  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: RGS pushrods
« by muskrat on 01.07. 2011 21:33 »

......  when hot can ride up limiting the lift and bend a push rod. I have alloy push rods in both my A's, the  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Identifying a rattle
« by muskrat on 15.02. 2013 21:30 »

......  I'd push the new ones in first and see how much if any has  ............  hit/tap a little end for fear of bending the rod or deforming the big end shells (DAHIK). If using  ............  cases then more rag placed over and taped to the rods.  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: smoking super rocket
« by muskrat on 03.07. 2012 20:59 »

......  bad one's lap mark is thick then thin it's bent.  Push rods don't usually bend by themselves. Something  ............  marks not lined up etc. Do NOT reuse a bent push rod or valve. The lower collars will push back on. ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Push Rods what B**ch of a job
« by muskrat on 09.05. 2012 07:43 »

...... ,  there will always be at least 1 push rod on the cam. At TDC on the left the rods on  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Piston choice - Hepolite or JP?
« by Sluggo on 04.10. 2018 21:36 »

......  max revs (or at least as far as I’m prepared to push a motor with alloy rods). I remember when  ............  carried out testing on alloy rods. They only lasted a couple of million cycles –  ............  and work hardens; witness the number of BSA rods that have exited the crankcase (mine, at one  ............ , for example). Would never be my choice for a rod.    When you were building these motors, what  ............  were asian made junk.  I do agree with the alloy rods, valid point. Stan Shentons Triumph Speed  ............  engineers as saying the life of a OEM Alloy rod was one race at race speeds. However if a  ............ ,, many can get a lot of life out of a alloy rod with little worry. If your machine is a  ............  investment new rods are a sensible expenditure.  BSA Goldstars are a  ............  ran them competitively with the stock cranks and rods,, these days any sensible Goldie owner will opt  ............  a Pearson Crank assy and Carillo rod, or many are using the ABSAF kit. The value of a  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: A10 Pushrod alignment tool
« by Brian on 26.07. 2010 07:47 »

......  evil-bay. ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Head gasket leak
« by Andreas Larsen on 02.12. 2014 17:36 »

......  pretty cool! I've already acquired one of those push rod combs, but have yet to try how well I can get  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Rattle
« by MG on 24.07. 2010 19:13 »

......  when the valve is fully open, thus causing the push rod to flex. This would also explain the pre- ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: A10 break down, analysis
« by BSAnders52 on 28.05. 2017 02:24 »

......  with a sticky, allmost rubbery deposit, in the push rod shaft it appears like charcoal debris.  I  ............  talks for the engine to be split.  And the conrod may be dammaged as well.   I did not continue  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: conrod bolts
« by bikerbob on 27.05. 2016 14:11 »

......  never knowingly buy anything from MCA I have had push rods that were too short valve adjusters that  ............  20 years ago before emails. In the case of the push rods they denied there was anything wrong even  ............  I provided them with a BSA original rod they just told me that if not satisfied with  ............  products to go elsewhere. ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Do I need to retension head studs?
« by Rgs-Bill on 08.01. 2019 22:27 »

......  low in torque. Usually in the middle where the push rods go down to the followers   Could someone  ............  I kept getting leaks between cylinders, and push rod tube, since using 26 ft. lbs. have never had  ......

...... .   Take off the little inspection cover over the push rod , make a strap of sheet steel about 150mm  ............  some serviceable pawl and pinions in a badly corroded gearbox I had ( and was given some by my friend) ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: 1951 BSA A7
« by anjimehra on 10.04. 2014 15:25 »

......  (big end shell side) about 1/16" deep. Warm the rod and try to push it down the little hole as far as  ............  threadlock, finally punching the Al in the con rod to lock the screw. Kep your fingers crossed ??   ......
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