Search results for: push rod

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A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Push Rod Tool----again!
« by Rgs-Bill on 09.05. 2014 20:03 »

......  to do you the biggest favor ever"), he took his push rod comb out of his tool box, and made an exact  ............  a pull loop on the end of one of them, and made a push loop on the end of the other one, because for  ............  all of the push rods work best (space and vision wise) from the  ............  bike. Piece of cake, line up the one you need , push the rocker cup down over it, and turn adjuster  ............  more same way, works far better than that stupid push rod comb, which is a pain in the "ARS"    ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Push Rod 'Comb'.
« by alanp on 26.04. 2012 15:40 »

...... 'd have to watch out you don't drop it into the push rod 'chasm'. Been there, dropped a hex key down  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Push rod fun
« by Billybream on 30.04. 2016 19:18 »

...... , got to the last one and yes you guessed it the push rod slipped out of the rocker cup, really felt  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Push rod tips
« by Greybeard on 01.06. 2018 11:31 »

......  'British Motorcycle Mechanics'   'For putting the pushrods back I attach a soft aluminium wire hook  ............  to each rod and using a dentist's mirror jiggle them into the  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Push Rod Alignment
« by dpaddock on 22.01. 2008 21:23 »

......  "comb" 67-9114 to properly position/align the push rods prior to assembling the rocker box to the  ............  using two small (one-inch) C-clamps. Assemble the push rods to their followers and to the comb slots. ( ............  Sheet 215, it is NOT possible to level the push rods.)  Using rubber bands to hold the rocker  ............  comb is readily removed just before the box is pushed home.  NOTE 1: The first time I had the engine  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / for those of you who remember...
« by Frenchy on 03.05. 2011 19:00 »

...... , but with no power. It was a bent exhaust push rod. Thanks to all who helped! ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Using the push-rod comb
« by sean on 17.01. 2023 00:44 »

......  picture below, is that the correct way to use the push-rod comb? Just having a trial run before fitting  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / A10 cylinder barrel airway
« by BigJim on 21.06. 2021 21:14 »

...... ? I ask because on my current running one i can push a screwdriver through to the push rod tunnel? As  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Fitting rockerbox
« by WozzA on 13.07. 2014 14:37 »

......  the gasket sealer every where when using the push rod comb. ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Rebuild so far
« by KiwiGF on 18.05. 2021 21:44 »

......  to install the new +040 IMD pistons on the rods. First circlip as soon as I applied any pressure, ............  way to install these awkward blighters is to just push the first one down the hole in the piston edge  ............  pin to seat it in the grove, install the pin and rod then with a pair of long nose pliers and a piece  ............  the grove as you can, then use a gudgeon pin to push the clip home. Made it really easy and if the  ............ ... There it was.  So now pistons installed on rods, rods onto the crank, crank into the cases,  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / A10 Barrel porosity
« by adamand on 24.05. 2012 14:01 »

......  oil coming through my A10 thick flange barrels push rod tunnel side?    ......
A7 & A10 Engine / I am a prize spanker, tappet clearances.
« by Josh Cox on 03.02. 2010 11:23 »

......  I have set the LH inlet incorrectly, guessing the push rod must have been sitting on the lip of the  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Broken pushrod
« by bsa-bill on 23.03. 2013 22:38 »

......  on my last project - perfect ring around the two rods, no noticeable wear though, my other Flash has  ............  More to the point though my friends flash had one push rod that had a join, we have no way of knowing if  ............  be even stranger as it was a perfect join and the rod was the correct length, it could of course have  ............  made up from two broken rods, even stranger still.  I once bent n exhaust  ............  firing ok, no further damage, straightened the rod in vice, put it back together and it was fine   ......
A7 & A10 Engine / A10 SR Serious Smoking
« by BeezaDan on 21.10. 2020 22:47 »

...... (+060 bores, 9:1 pistons, SRM oil pump, SRM billet rods, etc) started to smoke (blue white) really badly. ............  and reduced main jet size. Didn't help, it just produced weak mix so restored main jet, left needle in  ............  leakage plus slight possible leakage cylinder to push rod tunnel. Honed out bore scoring and restored  ............  shells need replacement, (SRM oil pump able to push a high volume of oil out through the big ends?)  ............  (as we did then) and of course as a result of pushing too hard. Never had a single moments problem  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Small end clearance
« by RDfella on 05.03. 2023 13:32 »

......  be able to push the pin through the rod by hand (virtually no  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Where is this ball bearing come from?
« by A10Boy on 04.04. 2011 19:48 »

......  the clutch push rod was cut in half and a 1/4 ball was fitted in  ............ , it can make the clutch action easier. Was your push rod in two halves?   ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Dural Pushrods and Iron Heads
« by bassgreg on 25.09. 2015 22:03 »

......  who restore A10's for a living and a my dad, who rode them when they were just motorbikes.   Apart  ............  fact that BSA designed and built them with steel push rods, here is what I have been told.  The cast  ............  the alloy heads, and for that reason the Dural pushrods are not really appropriate. Some have said  ............  on the exhaust valve that ate the alloy rod. There are other problems which could cause wear,  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Pushrod Problems
« by u28909z on 12.09. 2014 17:28 »

......  rocker box, and found serious wear on the alloy push rods, the alloy had smeared back along the rod. I  ............ , and the oil supply is ok. One of the shorter pushrods is 1/4 inch shorter than its fellow. Are the  ............  push rods susceptible to this sort of problem?  Thanks  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Inlet valve/valve guide seizure
« by Mosin on 19.03. 2019 09:20 »

......  mile or so before the valve seizes open and the push rod drops out of the rocker cup. I am still using  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / A10 exhaust valves & guides
« by TT John on 12.03. 2012 08:45 »

......  I have been riding then the exhaust valve siezes, push rod comes out and when I strip it down find that  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Cannot locate the A10 Rocker box
« by Roadrocket649 on 30.03. 2011 12:16 »

......  in the cylinder head  I have the BSA service tool push rod holder to assist  I performed this operaton  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: New Member 1952 A10 won't start.
« by muskrat on 13.02. 2013 18:50 »

......  head where the intake port is passing through the push rod cavity a large chunk came off creating an  ............  between the intake port & push rod cavity. Is this normal?" NO. If I understand  ............  right inlet gas can pass into the push rod chamber. So instead of sucking air/fuel  ......

......  is on the compression stroke ? I am thinking the push rod position will tell me but I am not sure what  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Valve timing
« by woody123 on 13.03. 2019 12:35 »

......  back points set the head is still off I have the push rods sat in position as I rotate the engine to  ............  before tdc the left hand ( clutch side ) push rod is just coming up is this right it’s bugging  ............  I read somewhere all push rods should be down hope you can  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: rocker box leak
« by limeyrob on 24.08. 2024 20:20 »

......  my experience the push-rod combs are often not quite right. The  ......

......  point the exauste valve must have stuck as the push rod for said valve was slightly bent and had  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / New rebuild 1963 A10
« by magicflem on 08.08. 2014 08:55 »

......  leak thru the gasket and into the case via the push rod tunnel? Would a retension of the head gasket ( ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Engine pushrod lengths
« by Peter in Aus on 02.05. 2021 01:42 »

......  can say is check the rocker arm geometry with the push rod different lengths, dry build. I found out  ............  what I thought were the correct spare set of push rods for my A7 were only a little bit longer and  ......
A7 & A10 Engine / Re: Compression plate
« by RichardL on 16.11. 2023 19:10 »

......  think you should do is toss the plate, check the rod length and replace if necessary, get standard  ............  rods, keep the 9:1 pistons and, therefore, end up  ............ . Others here who more into experimenting and hot rodding (maybe you're one of them) may think I&# ......
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