The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Chat, Offtopic & Everything Else => Topic started by: muskrat on 31.07. 2010 14:55
G'day all,
I saw this 350375846021 on fleabay a few days ago. Seemed seller didn't know what he had so snuck in a snipe bid. Then someone told him (and the rest of the world) what it was. The price jumped, I missed out by a few $. They still got a bargain. Hope it was one of us.
Isn't the RGS and Super Rocket heads one and the same?, and if it were advertised as SR would the price have been the same?
Yes, but it is a twin port '54 '55. there is another on fleabay at moment started at $750 with 1 bid. Too much for me.
Showing my ignorance I didn't notice the separate manifold *problem*, so is it just a Road Rocket head or did they make a Road Rocket Gold Star?
I think it was only the SS and RR in '54/'55 that had the bolt on manifold.
Correct, Musky.
The same head was offered with the separate "manifolds" as part of the speed kit.
For the Yanks only, I think.
The speed kit heads are a later casting, I think, as they don't seem to have the date code cast into them.
Hopefully I have attached a copy of the relevant brochure.
Thank you for the kind offer. I'll take two kits at $158.05/each, please. ;) *smile*
Only two?
Imagine what that kit would be worth now. At least 20 times original price.
I didn't want to be greedy. One for the current bike, one for an imagnary bike of the future.
Looking at the kit in Trevs photo... Interesting to note the two different carb float chambers I've not seen any like that before. I would think the left one could be starved at full throttles.
Hi LJ,
THe chopped monobloc didnt have a float in it and was linked to the RH one wich did,
Some times when used for racing the 2 carbs were "chopped" and a TT type float chamber was mounted separately
John o R
That set-up was standard on Norton 650SS and Atlas.
I think the first Bonnevilles used two chopped carbys with a remote float bowl.