The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Chat, Offtopic & Everything Else => Topic started by: LJ. on 31.07. 2010 08:10
Earlier in the week I paid a visit to buy a haul of unwanted parts... This doesn't happen all that often now days but it just goes to show what can happen if you ride your bike regularly and talk to admirers. I got to know this chap who came up and mentioned he had a load of old stuff kicking around, so a visit was made and a deal done. £250 quid for the lot, not too bad eh?
Lucky bugga, right spot at the right time. I had similar fortune 29 years ago, got the '51 for a carton of beer and a tank of petrol.
Good score, looks like the start of another project. *smile*
Congrats on yet another find, bet the wife is loving it!
If you ever have the desire to part with that front m'guard stay
it would fit a treat on the rigid star twin.
which is now officially finished, as she not only looks complete she runs really sweet.
Just waiting for rain to stop & will post pics for everyones delectation/ derision!
It currently has a deep valance stay on it which even the wife can tell looks wrong.
"It's part of the aero package, darling" justification got a very sniffy response!
Nice haul. In my half centuary on this planet I have never had that happen to me. I replace council house kitchens for a living and a few months ago my workmate shouted me over...."theres a old BSA in that hedge"....I rushed to the kitchen window, heart beating just a little quicker than normal, peered along the hedge and sure enough there it was. A BSA shopper 20 pushbike *sad2* *sad2*. I still live in hope!!
As usual, I can bring my van and clean up your lawn, free of charge *smile*
Seriously, congrats.
Yes, you are lucky. That's a fine bunch of stuff, but I'm having trouble figuring out which bike (or bikes) the parts are from. I'm pretty sure most are from one model of single, but which one?
Richard L.
What a find, well done you LJ.
In our house the Bob and I would most definitely be delighted. We both like singles, he's building his second BSA single on top of the two A10's we've got to restore, he be chuffed to come across such an assortment any time.
Wouldn't have a 42-7003 Brake Pedal going begging amongst that lot? *smile*
How much for the speedo?
After starting this thread in the morning... I came home with this yesterday afternoon. Sorry for rubbing it in but we all like a lucky story eh?
I've been due this years amount of luck. The bike here was an export to South Africa so I'm led to believe, I went over to look it up (Not in Africa) and paid my money [£2,500] I was more concerned about the engine and frame numbers as so many now are being messed about. (It's a 1962 SuperRocket)
All looked kosher and proceeded to load it onto trailer. Got home and was like a boy wiv toy. Firstly I removed the indicators and crash bars. Removed the very thin engine oil that had totally wet sumped but no underside leaks, being as thin as it was I was amazed that any was still in there. I put a couple of new cork plunger in the taps, I keep a few in a jam jar of water so they are always ready for use. Some petrol and a few kicks but no response, but using a damp start spray the engine burst into life. Investigating the carb I found it to literally to be full of varnishy gum, even the tickler had siezed up. Soon had the bike ticking over nicely and according to my pal, there were no strange noises, knocks bangs or rattles. Think I've got a good un!
The intention is not to restore it but to just give it a darn good clean and polish up. Checking brakes suspension etc will get it road tested and legal later in the month and then decide what I am going to do with it.
To answer some of the questions about the parts... I think mostly the parts are for M20 and B31 as the chap still has his 49 B31 (and all the best parts!) Things are not too bad with the wife about all this as she has her own hobby which I encourage. I probably nag her more than she nags me when all her sewing machines dummys etc are lying around, not to mention the occasional pin that jabs me in the foot!
There is no brake peddle in amongst this lot but I seem to remember there might be one in the last lot of parts but not in such good condition. The speedo? I'll be wanting to look it over first, usually they are worn or broken in which case I'll probably cannibalise it to better up the others.
Right! that's it I'm off outside....
Hi LJ. ,
All I can say is You lucky Ba&*^%d *smile* *smile* *smile* .Have you no conscience ???? ???? ????
It is very hard to find almost original, not fkd with bikes now,
In the pics of the spares I can see a rigid/plunger gearbox,
Do you have a home for this?
I am looking for one, this is needed to convert or replace a trials ratio'd one in a B32
I thought I had found one at Founders Day but it turned out to be the rare 46/47 type with the speedo drive at the sprocket side *sad2*
John O R
Hi John... I do indeed feel bad about this and trying not to bragg about it in any way. On both occasions it was only cos I go out and ride and talk to people, so the chances of finding a haul are equal to everyone else who owns and rides a BSA. *smile* *smile* I dont think I'll get such luck again now for quite a while if ever but then who knows??
I guess it must be nice to read up about things like this and I do hope to read about other peoples luck. The rigid/plunger gearbox? I'm still on the look out for an early rigid B33 so might need it for that. It's always been a case of parting with something only to find I want it later grrrrrr.
The rigid/plunger gearbox? I'm still on the look out for an early rigid B33 so might need it for that..
I'm sure one'll turn up next week *smile*
Good luck to you LJ. You're right of course, by presenting yourself to people who can strike up a conversation you will get offered the stuff. Its happened to me before.
Hi LJ.
No worries about the gearbox, if you see another please keep me in mind?
I had 2 gearboxes in the garage loft for many years, gave one away and sold the other to a chap with a 46 B31 who couldnt get parts for it,
Alright that was 10 or so years ago but at that stage I didn't expct to need them *sad2*
John O R
That Rocket will be a nice project for someone.
It looks like a U.S. export model with the short rear guard and 140 MPH speedo.
What gearbox has it got?
I say U.S. type but they did not go there exclusively.
Some also came to Australia,
Hi Trev...
Certainly an export model as it still has the South African number plate attached, markings on the back of plate suggests Pretoria, I don't think the bike has rolled on a British road yet as it had been tucked away at the back of the previous owners garage for the last ten years since it arrived back here.
I looked closely at the short rear mudguard and it looks rather crudely cut although I'm sure it is the original one fitted at the BSA factory, after all what rusts out there in the African climate? I also noticed while working on the bike today that the alloy finish is better than that of my home market A10s. Seems we thought more of you overseas guys than ourselves. *lol* Gearbox STD unfortunately.
Sent off the application for a machine dating certificate today so that'll tell us a bit more about it.
Hi LJ,
Does the frame have four cast engine mount lugs? Can't quite see in the photo.
As far as I know, 1962 frames should have the four lugs.
Why I asked about the gearbox is that mostly US models had a STD2 or STB box, both being the same.
Why I asked about the gearbox is that mostly US models had a STD2 or STB box, both being the same.
Must be US only I guess, both my bikes were export versions, the Flash was delivered to the RSA, like LJ's Rocket, and the A7 SS to Austria, still both have STD gearboxes.
The Yank models which came here had the STD2 box.
Ok, so again nothing you can be certain of... *smile*
Trev... I've looked over the frame and find it is the same as my 1960 frames (only the two top casting lugs). Frame number being GA7.1696*. Should be getting the machine dating certificate soon so we'll see what that says. Cheers!
That would make it a '61 frame. It seems as though '62 was the start of the 4 cast lugs.