The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Chat, Offtopic & Everything Else => Topic started by: bsa-bill on 27.07. 2010 18:57
Well a fiver in my case
My father in law ( also Bill ) worked in the later part of his life for LS Starrett, an American firm who had a factory in Jedburgh where he lived, they made machine tools and measuring equipment, sadly closed down in that part of the world around the early eighties.
So my eye was caught by an item on Ebay, a micrometer made by Starrett for BSA.
I got it for 99 pence plus £4 postage, it's a long time since our science teacher Mr Williams showed us how to use a micrometer but I'm sure I'll work it out or ask at our local machine shop (pride goes out the window with age and a quest for knowledge).
Possible it's not accurate, although it does sort of agree with my vernier. I don't know if you can reset them or get them reset, haven't got that far yet, in any case it might be fine for comparison work.
But best of all it has magic words on it BSA and Starrett, possibly of little importance to anyone but me
Hi Bill!
I don't know this particular model or how to do it, but I'm sure it can be adjusted (end-gauge calibration). If you ask a local engineer, I'm sure he can help.
Cheers, Markus
Nice find *smile*
Bob love's finds like this and has a regular collection of pieces large and small at home. I work at an engineering company and we send all our measuring equipment out for recalibration at regular intervals, Downing and Mills springs to mind, I could get more info if you want it.
Thanks Anita and Markus, I'll get back to you if I decide to have it calibrated.
there's a screw on the very end of the knurled vernier knob. needs investigating might just be to hold the knob on
Also a knurled ring which I think is for locking the adjuster.
I'll probably spend too much time playing with when I should be doing something else
There should be a calibration check piece in your set. Looking at the case, you have an empty spot where this lives.
Your mike is a 1"-2" type.
Very nice bit of gear. The first mike I ever saw was a Starrett back a lifetime ago as a 1st year apprentice.
I saw this and nearly bid against you. I thought it would be handy for measuring the crankshaft but then got worried about calibration so didn't bother. Hope its ok and can be checked out.
thats really nice bill
and well worth a fiver
Interesting find there, brings back memories, as when I started my engineering career Starratt was top end measuring equipment so most of my stuff was Moore & Wright.
The BSA 083 engraving would likely be an identification mark for calibration traceability, so it is possible that it was used in the BSA factory, now that would be something.
This has got me thinking. What happened to all the BSA tooling when the factory was closed, did it all go for scrap or did they hold a clearing sale of some sort. Anybody know ?
I expect a few bits and pieces went in redundant workers pockets. *eek* *smile*