The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Technical (Descriptive Topic Titles - Stay on Topic) => A7 1946-1950 => Topic started by: Adz on 31.08. 2024 12:17
OK BSA gods.
My next querie....
Whilst doing my first oil change I notice I have no oil filter. Is there a reason why this would have been removed or is it possible it could have disintegrated over time... Surely not.
Any way I've replaced it. Just curious if this is a thing or maybe it was just damaged and not replaced.
G'day Adz.
Yes my plunger one was like that 43 years ago when I got it.
I'd say a po took it out and saw it was covered in crap so cut it off!
They can collapse in cold weather and get broken when being cleaned so PO just cut it off. Easy to get replacements or make your own.
Makes sense. Thanks for the replies.