The BSA A7-A10 Forum

Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Introductions, Stories, Meetings & Pictures => Topic started by: Adz on 16.05. 2024 16:26

Title: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 16.05. 2024 16:26
Hi everyone.

Thought I'd introduce myself.
My names Adam and I'm the new proud owner of a 1950 A7.
I moved to the UK about 10 years ago and though it's a bout time for a British bike.
I've owned a few modern bikes in the past but this is my first classic. Soo I'll admit I will have some rookie questions for you all in time.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Greybeard on 16.05. 2024 16:41
Welcome 👍
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: muskrat on 16.05. 2024 19:53
G'day Adam,  *welcome*
Your going to love her. Looks to be pretty original (bar the tail light) and love the patina. Have you ridden her yet?
There's no such thing as a silly question (there may be some crazy answers).
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 16.05. 2024 20:27
Yes I have been out a couple of times but not far. So far I absolutely love it. It's like riding a time machine.
Yes you're right pretty much just the tail light as far as I've been told and can figure out.
Thanks I love the patina too. I won't be painting or covering up any of it.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: a10 gf on 16.05. 2024 22:14
Welcome, nice machine, nice patina indeed.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Topdad on 17.05. 2024 11:12
You'll have a big grin on your gob everytime you go out enjoy the bike ,you'll love the peole on this forum ! cheers Bob  PS where abouts in uk ?  and love your garage !
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: RichardL on 17.05. 2024 15:06


I love that bike! I pretend to be restoring a '57 standard A7. The "pretend" will end if I finish the project before I end.

Richard L.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: limeyrob on 17.05. 2024 15:13
Love the bike, just dealing with an outbreak of shed envy *smile*
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 17.05. 2024 15:14
You'll have a big grin on your gob everytime you go out enjoy the bike ,you'll love the peole on this forum ! cheers Bob  PS where abouts in uk ?  and love your garage !

I do.  *smile*
I'm down on the Sth coast, West Sussex.
I have to admit it's not my garage (I wish it was) . Its where I picked it up from.
It's the best photo I have
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: fffcycles on 17.05. 2024 15:15
Yes, the “pretend” part is a problem. My health will not improve and now I enter the second summer of no riding and wrenching. A pity really as I have lots yet to get on with. One of the ‘48’s is done and second one waiting for assembly so many others!
Gave my good buddy two Norton projects last month and his daughter a Ducati Monza. At least they are going to good homes and the Norton’s get completed
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 17.05. 2024 15:15
Love the bike, just dealing with an outbreak of shed envy *smile*
Dont worry it's not my shed. I have envy too.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 17.05. 2024 15:17
Yes, the “pretend” part is a problem. My health will not improve and now I enter the second summer of no riding and wrenching. A pity really as I have lots yet to get on with.
Gave my good buddy two Norton projects last month and his daughter a Ducati Monza. At least they are going to good homes and get completed

That's a shame mate. Hopefully you are able to ride soon. Or find some enjoyment working with them one way or another
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Worty on 18.05. 2024 14:28
TBH Adz, I would have preferred to have left mine with patina, but it hadn't been running for at least 12 years when I bought it and it turned out the motor needed to have some serious attention.  Whilst it was all stripped down, I decided to tart it up.  Looks nice and shiny, and is used quite a bit, but I do like machines that look like they've seen a bit of action. 

I have a 23 year old Kawasaki W650 in well ridden, 'used' condition, and that's the way it'll stay.

Welcome, by the way, you'll find the guys on this Forum to be the 'salt(y) of the Earth'.  They're all barmy mind, but that's why this is probably the best old bike forum around.  Watch out for Berger though, he puts us all to shame. *whistle* *grins* *beer* *beer*
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 18.05. 2024 17:47
I bet it looks nice.
And you've got best of both worlds with your w650
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Worty on 18.05. 2024 18:10
I bet it looks nice.
And you've got best of both worlds with your w650

It's the one in the pic mate.  You're right, the Dubya is a superb bike, people keep saying 'is it a Triumph' (those that don't know).  What I can say is if our bike industry had produced something like that, they'd still be in business today. *dunno* *roll* *beer* *beer*
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: fffcycles on 19.05. 2024 18:06
ADZ, just click on Worty and it will take you to his profile and picture

It really does look good!
Ps mine is shown in my profile as well. We are all proud of our rides
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Adz on 19.05. 2024 18:25
ADZ, just click on Worty and it will take you to his profile and picture

It really does look good!
Ps mine is shown in my profile as well. We are all proud of our rides

Hmmm when I do that it says... "an error has occurred.
You are not allowed to access this section"

Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Caretaker on 19.05. 2024 19:34
^^^ Good, system works as intended :O) 15 posts ("Moving Up" group) before getting more access rights. = time to ascertain new member's good intentions and trustworthyness.

One of the safeguards to protect privacy etc for our members, against potential nutcases\spammers etc  registering and doing anything and everything.
Title: Re: Introduction
Post by: Worty on 19.05. 2024 19:57
I'll post a piccy when I have a moment.  There is one elsewhere on the Forum but I've no idea how to find it.