The BSA A7-A10 Forum
Bikes, Pictures, Stories & more => Wanted & For Sale => Topic started by: MJM58SR on 18.11. 2023 07:14
Hello all
Does anyone have a genuine seat or base for an A7/A10 that they would like to part with please. I realise that this might be a global ask and postage might be tricky but worth an ask
Thank you
Presumably for the swinging arm model, as these are like hen's teeth at the moment. Note that the seat style changed in about 1959 / 60 to a flatter style so you need to specify which you need. Complete seats (variable quality) are available for the 1954-59 models on Ebay. I've bought a couple, not brilliant but OK, and better than sitting on the frame!
Ah yes, that would be helpful! It’s for a 1957 Shooting Star. It’s got a Wassell seat on at the minute which isn’t great. I’ve seen a few advertised but I’m basing my search on my 1958 A10 super rocket seat and they look different from the underneath. Maybe I need a steer in what it should look like.
have you tried Leightons in UK I am pretty sure they have complete seats and do it yourself kits ...I bought a new seat foam and cover from them last year .
Hello Sean
I’ve tried Leightons, they recovered my A10 and did a great job, they haven’t got any seat bases at the minute and are trying to get someone to do a batch. He said it’s hard trying to get someone to do a small run of them.
The shortage of original seat pans has gone on for a long time. When I wanted to change from the later, wider, swingarm seat to an original earlier seat, the only luck I had was a very rusted-out hulk, and that was back in 2018. Furthermore, I had started looking well before that. My, ultimately successful, efforts to restore the rusted-out pan are documented here:
If you are looking at an India-made pan, be sure to check the underside against original. I've seen a couple of interpretations that don't look great, but close to original is out there.
Richard L.
Quite a bit of work there by the looks of it! Yes they seem to be quite rare to get hold of. I’ll keep looking, not riding it at the minute as doing a bit of fettling so hopefully one will come up.
I rebuilt my old seat pan few welds , sandblasted it and painted if you dont have welding/ brazing stuff fibreglass will work too we used to make fibreglass seat bases back in the chopper era
There's an earlier type on ,
Nothing to do with me
Thanks John
I’ve looked at the ads and the comments, not sure he’s being honest as he also posted other pics of the seat which were different.
I had mine welded up. New brackets and recovered the seat using the old cover and foam. I never said original as who knows.
It was a fun job and it feels and look right to me.
I will find some photos and add them later
Hello Sean
I’ve tried Leightons, they recovered my A10 and did a great job, they haven’t got any seat bases at the minute and are trying to get someone to do a batch. He said it’s hard trying to get someone to do a small run of them.
Just had mine done at Leightons. Had to use a second hand base . . . as you say, no one is currently making new bases.
I had mine welded up. New brackets and recovered the seat using the old cover and foam. I never said original as who knows.
It was a fun job and it feels and look right to me.
I will find some photos and add them later
Looks better than mine, and I love the stretching jig.
Richard L.
Hello Sean
I’ve tried Leightons, they recovered my A10 and did a great job, they haven’t got any seat bases at the minute and are trying to get someone to do a batch. He said it’s hard trying to get someone to do a small run of them.
there is a seat base on e bay[usa] made in India so fit might be hit or miss ....surprised they dont mass produce them down there they make a lot of gas tanks ....hopefully the seat bases are better
There is also some seats for sale at an auction site this weekend. I don’t think there are a10 but worth a look.
I'm guilty of there being one fewer A10 seat in the spares pool...I fitted it to a Panther, and it looked a treat too. ;)
Looking for others to confirm, but rather sure left front is early swingarm type, and others, except left rear, plunger type. Left rear? No guess. Let’s see if the confirmation comes through.
Richard L.
Oops, failed to reference jhg’s post re. auction. Anyway, another thing, no way to know if two on the left are built on original bases. I assume the others are (including the raw base).
Richard L.
Has anybody bought one of the seat bases from India (on ebay)? I'd be interested to know how well they're made and how good the fit is, etc.
Thanks, Steve
Well, I’ve now got 3 seat bases! I’m pretty sure 2 are for A10 swingarm and one I’m not sure about. The seat front bracket is too narrow for the pin.
I’ve also been offered a full seat. Buses comes to mind.
While restoring my 1958 A10, I quickly discovered the seat was in a very poor condition, in particular the seat base which was full of rust holes. RK Leighton (Classic Motorcycle Seats) offered to repair the seat base and supply new foam and seat cover, but I was able to get a new seat from P&P Seating Ltd in the UK via Classic Motorcycle Spares. More details at and there is a additional information on the video at where there is mention of their ability to press new seat bases for classic bikes.
Hope this is useful.